What Is Gum Smile And How Is It Treated?

A gum smile can be uncomfortable for the person who suffers from it. Although it is not a health problem, it can be of aesthetic inconvenience. Here we will tell you why it can happen and how to solve it.
What is gum smile and how is it treated?

It is a healthy act to smile – a sign of joy and connection with other people. But for some, the presence of a gum smile can affect this simple action.

It is a condition in which a person’s smile shows more gums than usual. People who suffer from it think that their gums are too big, that their teeth are too small, or that their lips move too much when they laugh.

Below we will tell you what it consists of and why it happens. We will also tell you about the solutions that exist.

What is considered a gum smile?

A gum smile is a condition in which the gums dominate over the teeth. Perception depends on the characteristics of each person and their face. But in general, when you see more than 3 or 4 millimeters of gum, you smile.

This poor proportion between teeth and gums can produce visual effects such as very large gums, very small teeth or small lips. Although it does not represent a health problem, it is an aesthetic problem that can affect the well-being of those who suffer from it.

Woman smiles at man

What causes a gum smile?

The origin of a gum smile can be in the teeth, bones or muscles. It can also be due to occlusal or bone-related disorders. Below we will mention the most common causes in detail.

Too much gum

It is the presence of more gums. The gums look long and the teeth appear small, even though they are of normal size, due to the small proportion between the two tissues.

Some patients show an increased growth of idiopathic gums (this means that the cause is unknown). However, the increased volume of gums may also be due to inflammation of the gums and the use of some drugs.

Medications to prevent seizures, drugs to lower blood pressure or inhibitors of the immune system can cause overgrown gums. Gums grow too much around the teeth and  require treatment because it can cover the teeth completely and cause problems in the teeth.

Narrow lip or runner with increased mobility

If the lip is smaller, it is not wide enough to cover the gums when a person smiles. In the case of hypertonic and hyperactive lips, which are more mobile, they stretch and lift too much. As a result, they show a large amount of gums.

Differences in the growth of the teeth

Sometimes a gum smile is due to the way the permanent teeth grow out. In these cases , there is usually a hereditary factor involved.

The altered passive eruption occurs when the gums cover more of the tooth surface than normal where the tooth comes out, leaving part of the crown of the tooth covered with gums. It causes a gum smile.

Overeruption of the tooth is when the tooth is pushed out too much. Generally, it occurs when one tooth seeks contact with another tooth that is sitting lower due to excessive wear or that is not there at all because it has been pulled out. The gums follow the movement of the tooth by increasing in thickness and being seen when smiling.

Occlusive problems

In cases where the upper teeth almost completely cover the lower teeth when closing the mouth, there is overbite. In these cases, a gum smile can occur since the height of the teeth and the upper gums are below normal and become visible when smiling.

An open bite can also be the cause of a gum smile. When the height of the front part increases and can not close together, the lips do not cover the gums so that it can be seen.

Bone structure

When the upper jaw grows more than normal, a condition called overgrowth of the maxilla occurs. The level of the gums and the upper teeth are lower than the rest of the face, making them more visible when smiling.

Available treatments for gum smiles

There are several options when it comes to resolving this disorder and improving the person’s smile. The choice between the treatments will depend on the cause of the problem.

Here are some ways to solve this aesthetic problem.

Gum surgery

Gingivectomy is an operation that consists of shaping the gums by removing excess tissue. It is a simple procedure under local anesthesia performed by a dentist at a clinic.

With a scalpel or laser, the edges of the gums are trimmed, removing excess tissue. A larger surface on the tooth is liberated. It may also be necessary to prune the bone.

The gums can be soft and sore after surgery. But the healing is quick, simple and leaves no scars.

Lip surgery can help on a gum smile

When the cause of gum smile is related to the lips, a surgical procedure may be necessary to change the position of the lips relative to the teeth. It consists of removing part of the connective tissue from the lower part of the lips to prevent the muscles that are active when smiling from being raised too much.

It is also performed under local anesthesia. The incisions are made in the lip to remove the connective tissue and then sewn. Healing is usually rapid and the results are permanent, although there are cases of relapse.

Operation of the jaw

Operation of the jaw is used in cases where the origin of gum smile is the growth of the bones. Through surgery of the jaw, the height of the jaws can come into balance.

These cases need to be treated in an interdisciplinary manner, which requires a lot of prior planning and is accompanied by an orthodontic treatment. The changes in the patient’s face are very clear.

It involves using general anesthesia in an operating room. The surgeon removes part of the bone in the upper and lower jaw and then secures the ends with plates and screws.

The hospitalization lasts several days and the healing process is usually slow. Elastics are used to keep the jaw still while it heals. Then the treatment must be completed with an orthodontic treatment. It is a slow process that takes several years.

Orthodontics can treat a gum smile

The use of braces that are either stuck or can be removed will help get the teeth to sit in the correct position. It serves to put teeth in place that have pushed themselves out.

It is also useful in treating occlusal problems such as open bite or overbite, producing the visible effects that belong to a gum smile.

Dentist treats patient with gum smile

Botox injections

Botox injections can be the solution  in cases where the gums are seen too much due to the fact that the lips move very upwards when smiling.

The injections are placed under the nose. It paralyzes the muscles that lift the lips, making them unable to lift themselves completely when smiling.

The disadvantage of this treatment is that it requires repetition every three to four months to maintain the effects. In addition, if too much is injected, the smile will be distorted.

Hyaluronic acid to treat a gum smile

This substance is also useful for gum smiles due to a hypermobile lip. It consists of injecting filler into the lip. It restricts the movement of the muscle fibers.

Its effect can last up to 8 months. Although the dosage is usually small and complications of use are rare, it is important to know the side effects of this substance.

Smile with confidence

A gum smile is usually not due to a health problem, but it can be bothersome to those who suffer from it. Complexes, shame and habits such as covering the mouth when laughing are common in these individuals.

It is important to find the cause in order to make a proper diagnosis and thus choose the right treatment. The treatments vary, so a consultation with a dentist is the first step to solving this problem.

It should be comfortable for everyone to smile. If a gum smile prevents one from smiling freely, one should seek professional help. As we have mentioned above, there are many opportunities to get a smile that suits one’s own personality and desires.

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