What Happens When You Drink Alcohol On An Empty Stomach?

Have you ever wondered what happens in your body if you drink alcohol on an empty stomach? Discover the primary side effects in this article.
What happens when you drink alcohol on an empty stomach?

We have probably all been out drinking alcohol on an empty stomach, whatever it is after work, an evening out with friends or another situation. But is it safe to do so? Are there consequences of this type of intake if one has not eaten? We give you the answer!

In general, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is accepted in society. Yet the World Health Organization reports that  every year there are 3 million deaths worldwide due to alcohol consumption. It is even a risk factor for more than 200 diseases.

How does the body absorb alcohol?

The process of absorbing alcohol begins with ingestion through the mouth. Since this substance has a low molecular weight, it passes easily through the membranes of the cells and from there into the blood vessels. The mouth, esophagus and stomach can therefore absorb small amounts.

When alcohol reaches the stomach, this organ absorbs 15 to 20%. Then this substance passes into the small intestine, which is the place where the uptake takes place. This process then continues in the first and second parts of the intestines (duodenum and jejunum) by 80%. As the last, the last part of the recording takes place in the colon.

Friends toast together

When drinking alcohol on an empty stomach: How does food help or affect its absorption?

The uptake of ethanol into the duodenum and jejunum is faster than in the stomach. For that reason, the rate of gastric emptying is an important factor in the rate of absorption of the alcohol a person ingests.

In this regard, science shows that the  ability to absorb this substance increases on an empty stomach and decreases when the stomach is full of food. This is because the contact surface is reduced (as Fick’s law indicates) and emptying of the stomach becomes slower.

Fatty foods would be the exception to this rule, since they affect motility of the stomach differently than other nutrients. In particular, they increase movement and cause alcohol to reach the blood faster.

Fortunately, foods that contain carbohydrates and proteins cause the uptake to be slower and the concentration of alcohol in the blood drops by up to 25%.

As a result, drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will lead to higher plasma ethanol concentrations and increased toxic effects.

Alcohol content and absorption in the body

On the other hand  , the uptake increases when the beverage in question has an alcohol content of between 20 and 35%, since they do not produce powerful movements in the muscles compared to beverages with an alcohol content above this value.

Likewise, the uptake of ethanol also increases if a person swallows a large amount at once, but not if they swallow small amounts over several times.

General effects of alcohol on the body

Like everything else we consume, the  liver is the organ responsible for converting ethanol,  since it converts this substance into acetaldehyde and then into acetic acid. The body also excretes the remaining 5 to 10% through urine, sweat and breathing.

Although ethanol is still present in the blood, it does affect the nervous system. This is why we experience classic symptoms such as the following:

  • A feeling of being uninhibited.
  • Unclear speech.
  • Loss of coordination.

It is important to note that high doses of alcohol can cause poisoning, which includes other symptoms such as the following:

  • Nausea, weakness and vomiting.
  • Confusion.
  • Hypothermia (low body temperature).
  • Sudden loss of coordination.
  • Slow or abnormal breathing.
  • Problems talking.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Fainting.

Alcohol in women

It is also important to note that women tend to have a lower body mass than men. They also have a higher percentage of fat and a lower secretion of the enzyme, acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which is responsible for forming acetic acid in the lining of the stomach.

For these three reasons  , women tend to get more intoxicated than men when they drink the same amount of alcohol.

Alcohol in pregnant women

When pregnant women ingest ethanol, it passes through the placenta from the mother’s blood to the fetus. Babies are thus exposed to the same level of alcohol in the blood as their mothers, which can  lead to several serious complications.

Prevention and recommendations

When it comes to health care, the best thing to do is to avoid consuming alcohol. However, if you drink, especially on an empty stomach, it is worth considering the following:

  • Choose a beverage with a low alcohol content.
  • Drink water or another non-alcoholic beverage  between your sips of the beverage with ethanol.
  • Try to drink slowly  over a long period of time rather than large amounts in a short time.
  • Eat a meal an hour before you drink alcohol.
Man with liquor bottle is dirty due to consuming alcohol on an empty stomach

How can I get better when I drink alcohol on an empty stomach?

Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach increases the risk of the famous side effect known as hangovers. This usually happens the day after drinking a lot of alcohol or drinking something with a significant alcohol content.

Symptoms may include the following:

  • Dizziness.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Reduced ability to concentrate or think clearly.
  • Hovepdine.
  • Changes in mood.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypersensitivity to light and sounds.
  • Discomfort in the stomach.

Although these problems can be solved on their own, the following tips can be considered to help reduce them:

  • Drink water, soup and fruit juices during the day.
  • Sleep.
  • Eat easily digestible foods  such as toast, biscuits and gelatin.
  • Take painkillers such as ibuprofen to relieve headaches.

It is never good to drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Alcohol is a substance which in itself is  harmful to health, since a large intake is associated with the development of diseases.

When consuming alcohol on an empty stomach, it can have a greater effect on the body due to its rapid absorption. Since ethanol thus reaches the bloodstream earlier, it causes its classic effects and a greater risk of poisoning.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to eat some food before drinking this type of beverage. At the same time, it is ideal to drink plenty of water and avoid excessive amounts. The best way to ensure that it does not affect one’s health is by avoiding it completely.

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