What Are Toxins And What Do They Do In The Body?

To eliminate toxins from the body, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and get enough fluids. The liver and kidneys are one’s biggest ally in this task.
What are toxins and what do they do in the body?

In recent years, the media has talked about toxins, the well-known detox cures and the best way to exercise to get rid of them. However, few people really know what toxins are and why you should cleanse your body.

Toxins are harmful substances that are produced in cells, whether they are plants, animals or bacteria. In our case, they can be produced in the body or come from outside.

The problem with toxins is that when they accumulate, they cause damage to our cells and tissues. In this article, we will therefore explain where these substances come from and what we can do to eliminate them.

What are toxins?

As we mentioned,  toxins are substances that can be potentially harmful to our cells and tissues. They can be small molecules, proteins and other elements that come from both the outside and inside the body.

First, one should know that one’s body produces toxins all the time because of the metabolic processes that one needs to survive. For example, the mechanism by which one’s cells receive energy produces free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that are considered toxins as they can cause damage to cells if they accumulate. One also produces several toxins when eating, breathing or consuming substances such as tobacco.

What happens is that  one has mechanisms that allow the body to neutralize all these toxins and eliminate them. Once neutralized, they cannot reach very high levels, which is what is really harmful to tissues.

The two most important organs in the neutralization and elimination of toxins are the liver and the kidneys. Through urine and feces, a large part of them is excreted.

It is essential that these organs function as they should in order for them to cleanse the body properly. Diseases of the kidneys and liver alter the cleansing process and delay the elimination of free radicals, which, for example, affects aging.

Illustration of liver

Other important toxins

As we mentioned above, food is an important source of toxins. This is not only because of the reactions that take place in the body to process foods, but also because they can come from the food itself.

Foods rich in additives and fats actually contain a higher percentage of toxins. The same is also true with deep fried food or foods cooked at high temperatures. Substances such as tobacco and alcohol are also extremely harmful.

Pollutants such as heavy metals that are present in some animals that we eat are also a source of toxins. We must also not forget that the poison in animals such as snakes or insects is also toxic.

Ultra-processed foods that are common in the current food industry are accelerating the process of releasing toxins due to the number of steps that are undergone to produce them. When going to the supermarket, one should spend time choosing the foods one buys to minimize health risks.

 How can we remove toxins from the body?

Vegetables form the word "detox" to get rid of toxins

Although there are advertisements for several diet plans and detox treatments, there is no scientific evidence of the benefits of it. However, it is true that  in order to eliminate harmful substances from one’s body, one needs one’s organs to function properly. This is especially true of the liver and kidneys.

It is therefore very important to get enough fluids and drink between 1.5 and 2 liters (6-8 glasses) of water a day. This helps the kidneys to produce more urine and cleanse themselves more often.

Logically enough, if one reduces the amount of harmful substances that one ingests, it will also be beneficial for one’s health. One can do this, for example, by eliminating alcohol, tobacco and processed foods high in fat. In addition, one should add more fruits and vegetables to his diet.

Diet is not the only method of detox

We recommend that you live an active life and perform moderate exercise several times a week. Through sports, one also eliminates harmful substances  and in addition reduces stress levels, which seems to be associated with it.

What we should remember is that toxins are substances that are harmful to one’s tissues. However, before starting a diet or using cleansing products, it is important to be informed and talk to a professional.

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