Tricks For A Happy And Healthy Menopause

Being healthy and happy during menopause means taking care of yourself, but also listening to yourself. Then you will realize that you are the same person as always, just with more life experiences.
Tricks for a happy and healthy menopause

Menopause is often a misunderstood phenomenon. After all, there are many prejudices, and some believe it is the end of the peak of your life. But it is quite possible to have a happy and healthy menopause.

Just like in the early teens , this reconfiguration has physical consequences and mood swings that are not always pleasant.

But one understands much more about menopause now and there are many ways to control it and be happy and healthy.

You just have to give it a try and be consistent. It’s worth a try, don’t you think?

Tools for a healthy and happy menopause

1. Take care of your bones

X-ray pictures

It is common for your bones to start breaking down. Therefore, it is a good idea to add food to your diet that is high in calcium and other minerals. They are antioxidants and have the power to slow the aging of your bones.

Accompany these foods with exercise to strengthen them. One of the most recommended exercises is to walk. It will also help you burn the fat that will start to build up and it will also improve your circulation.

Get 20 minutes of sun a day

Woman sitting in a chair

Getting some sun is a great way to get vitamin D. One thing that this vitamin does is to help calcium be absorbed into your body. Sunlight also helps improve your mood and therefore beats two flies with one swipe.

But choose the right time to be in the sun. The first hours of sun in the morning and the last in the afternoon are best.

Remember that UV rays can damage your skin, so take precautions.

3. Drink plenty of water

Water in a glass

Whether you’re reading this because you want to prevent it, or whether you’re going through it right now, you’ve definitely heard of hot flashes. This is a sudden intense feeling of heat that often causes a lot of sweating.

To prevent dehydration , it is best to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This advice is for everyone, but it is especially important if you are going through menopause.

Keeping your skin beautiful and your body functioning well depends a lot on how much water you drink. Without water you will have more wrinkles, your skin will become slacker and your organs will not be able to function as they should.

4. Go out with your friends for a happy and healthy menopause

Two girlfriends drinking coffee - healthy menopause

Above, we compared menopause with adolescence. Both are like an emotional roller coaster.

Therefore, you need to find time for yourself. Going out with your friends is very important. Talking to other people has very positive effects on your brain.

It is also a safe, trusting place. You will laugh together, but you will also get a place to share your problems with. Getting out with things is good for a healthy soul.

5. Meditate

Woman meditating - healthy menopause

Last but not least, it is also good to take time to reflect and gather oneself. As you know, meditation means connecting with yourself, with your essence, and who you really are. It is free from bondage and free from time.

You have to remember that the years cannot take this away from you. You will always have the same light. In the end, you’re just a version of the child you once were. With meditation, you take off the layers you have put on and find yourself again.

Meditation can give you the peace you are looking for in this time of life. You will realize that your body can change, but your inner self remains intact.

It will enable you to enjoy yourself and celebrate yourself.

The changes that menopause brings can actually become a way of looking inward. Thinking about what you want, who you are and what is good for you.

Take care of yourself and fight these misconceptions.

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