Tips On How To Start An Intense Workout Routine

Intense training is training that increases the intensity of a workout in a short amount of time. Today’s article will describe it and tell you about the right way to include it in your routine.
Tips on how to start an intense workout routine

There are three levels of training intensity: moderate, medium and intense. Most people stick to the first two, whether they are doing aerobic or anaerobic activities. However, an intense exercise routine is good for your health, so you should try it.

The primary characteristic of this type of physical activity is that the heart rate rises almost to its maximum capacity. This is because it requires greater endurance and strength. It improves health in general, increases fitness and prevents and treats some common ailments when performed regularly.

Today’s article contains everything you need to know about intense training: Pros, cons and tips for safe, risk-free activity. Today’s information will definitely appeal to you if your body asks you to increase the intensity!

What exactly is an intense workout routine?

Intense training is any activity that increases your heart rate to 70% or 85% of its maximum capacity. It is therefore a type of aerobic exercise that involves lung capacity, endurance and muscle strength in more demanding conditions.

According to the World Health Organization, exercise intensity is linked to the speed at which you do it. It is in the scale of the effort you make to maintain and complete it. In this regard, intense training increases metabolic rate (MET) to a spectrum above 6. In turn, medium-intensity training only increases it from 3 to 6.

METs measure the intensity of an activity relative to a resting state. Thus, you exert yourself eight times as much as you would at rest if it reaches 8 METs – like going up stairs at a fast pace.

Some high-intensity exercises can be over 20 MET. For reference, 1 MET is equal to 0.0175 kcal. You can achieve this value using the formula 0.0175 kcal x kilogram x minute activity.

Benefits of an intense training routine

There has been controversy surrounding intense exercise for a while. Some studies developed during the 20th century suggested that high-intensity activities were harmful to the heart, bones, and immune system. Researchers performed only some of these studies on animals and extrapolated the results to humans.

Today we know that intense training has more benefits than risks, especially if you take several things into account before including it in your routine. At the end of this article, we will mention the most important ones. However, let’s first review some of the most notorious benefits.

Promotes weight loss

One of the main reasons why people engage in physical activity is to lose weight. Decades of studies show that there is a direct relationship between weight loss and exercise. It is regardless of the intensity level you perform it at.

Despite this, the evidence suggests that the higher the intensity, the faster you can lose weight. The choice of activity must of course be adapted and take into account the previous physical and health conditions.

A person who skips

2. Controls blood sugar levels

As mentioned above, any physical activity is good for controlling blood sugar. Research shows that intense exercise helps regulate these values ​​more effectively.

High-intensity activities will be your ally if there is diabetes in your family or if you want to prevent it. If you already have diabetes, consult your doctor before starting this routine.

3. It reduces fatal cardiovascular disease

According to data from the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Estimates indicate that we can prevent 80% of myocardial infarction and other similar problems that develop early. The best ways to do this are with physical activity and a balanced diet.

We often forget that the heart is a muscle and as such we can strengthen it through exercise. Research shows how an intense exercise routine is better than one of low or medium intensity to prevent heart disease and sudden death.

Of course, its contraindicated for certain existing disorders. Also, do not do it without medical approval.

An intense exercise routine increases bone density

A study published in 2005 suggests that high-intensity physical activity is more effective in preventing and treating osteoporosis than low-intensity exercise. A routine of this type helps to increase bone mineral density to slow down the natural wear and tear that occurs after the age of 50.

Intense training is therefore particularly good for women as they are more likely to develop osteoporosis. However, you should also consider it if you are under 30 years of age. This is because it is still possible to achieve the maximum bone density and maintain it in later life years.

5. Controls your blood pressure

According to data from the World Health Organization, 1 in 5 adults has high blood pressure. It causes 9.4 million deaths worldwide, so prevention or control must be a priority.

Studies support the use of intense exercise to prevent and manage high blood pressure. Using intervals of moderate or high intensity in the routine leads to more effective results.

Check out an interval training routine for beginners if you are particularly interested in this topic. Also, consult your doctor before making any new changes if you have high blood pressure.

6. Regulates the function of the thyroid gland

The debate is controversial, but there is evidence that high-intensity training is good for controlling the production of thyroid hormone. Keep in mind that irregular thyroid function can lead to depression, weight gain and constipation, among other problems, although it is asymptomatic in some cases.

How to measure training intensity

There are several methods to include intense training in your training routine. Fortunately, you can practice most disciplines, sports, and high-intensity activities. Simply change the bet.

Some of the methods you can use are:

  • A heart rate monitor is a small instrument that allows you to measure your heart rate. You already know that your heart rate should be between 70% and 85% of your maximum frequency. Thus, you calculate it by subtracting 22o from your age and then multiplying the result by a value between 0.7 and 0.85.
  • The speech test is a little trick that lets you know how hard you are training. You probably train with a high intensity if you can not keep a conversation going when you train. Instead, you train on a medium or low spectrum if you can.
  • The degree of exertion experienced is a subjective scale that measures the intensity of your training from 1 to 10. You assess it based on your physical condition and the intensity of your previous routines. Aim for an effort value of between 7 and 9.
An exhausted woman

Tips for starting an intense workout routine

There are many exercises you can use to start an intense workout routine. Here are some of the most popular:

  • High intensity jogging.
  • Race.
  • Aerobics.
  • Shipping.
  • High intensity cycling.
  • Swimming at fast speed.
  • Football, rugby, basketball and similar sports.

Other types of activities such as jumping, spinning and dancing may also qualify as intense training if they meet the criteria mentioned at the outset.

Remember that all of these need to increase your heart rate to between 70% and 85%, either during the entire activity or at intervals to qualify as intense. Ideally, you should exercise them for 50 minutes and accumulate 150 minutes of activity in a week.

It is not necessary to focus only on one of them. You can mix and match them with other exercise routines you do on a regular basis. The important thing is to accumulate the 150 minutes.

Valuable tips for an intense workout routine

You need to consider some key elements to avoid injuries or complications due to inexperience before incorporating these into your routine. We recommend the following:

  • Have a doctor assess your health condition by exposing you to a stress test. This is to find out how your heart responds.
  • Also consult them if you have a condition such as diabetes, hypertension or are pregnant.
  • Do not suddenly increase the intensity, especially if you are only used to low-intensity training. Do it gradually over several weeks.
  • Stretch all muscle groups properly before you start.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and shoes for the activity you are doing.
  • Skip a day between each workout.

Contact a sports specialist for guidance on techniques and tips you can use to develop your training. You are ready to start as soon as you are ready to follow the tips above.

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