There Are No Good Or Evil People, Only Those Who Bring Joy Or ..

It is important to both give and receive. We need to distance ourselves from people who bring us discomfort, and reciprocate emotions when someone helps us grow as a person.
There are no good or evil people, only those who bring joy or ..

It is important to both give and receive. We need to distance ourselves from people who bring us discomfort and get closer to those who bring joy. It is rewarding to give back when someone helps us grow as a person. Be a person who brings joy!

We will start by saying that no one is good or bad. There is nothing that scientifically measures goodness or evil.

But one thing is true:  each of us knows the positive and negative energy that certain people and relationships bring us.

Sometimes people act out of their own interests. And when they begin to place themselves as a priority over others, to become offensive and misleading, one can say that this person has a negative impact on others.

These are the people who will teach you. However, we all have the other people who give positive relationships with humble hearts and sincere voices that never hurt others. These people understand reciprocity and respect. They bring  joy.

Those who teach you new things about yourself and life

You may have thought of certain people who have played a role in your past when reading this title. But you should also take a moment to reflect and think about whether you have caused harm to anyone else. 

  • You are not required to be able to get along with everyone. And sometimes you can disappoint the people around you.
  • If you have ever been forced to make a decision yourself that you know will somehow have consequences for another person, justify why you do so. An example would be leaving a relationship because you are unhappy, because you have stopped loving the other person.
  • Some decisions need to be made even when you know they are going to cause harm. This is the case when maintaining a particular situation that would only create more  suffering  than gain.

This clearly means that all of us from time to time are able to behave in a way that others would view negatively. Every situation has shadows, qualities and different levels.

Girl in red dress stands and watches a squid coming in through the door
  • Some people just never stop acting like that at some point in their lives. Such people always try to  satisfy their own needs, and understand that they are hurting others.
  • These types of people spend their entire lives that way and at times they leave scars on other people. So you simply have to let them disappear out of your daily life and out of your  mind.

If not, you will always be held captive to their actions.

There are also those people who simply do not know how to have positive relationships. They lack personal and emotional  maturity. They lack respect and empathy, and often times they are unaware of their words or actions.

Do not look at these moments as drama or failures that change your life. Understand them as lessons to help you live more confidently, with more peace of mind.

Simple people who bring joy

Some good people are simply humble people. It’s almost like they have magic in their pockets, but but they do not know how to be selfish or double.  I’m sure you know one or two such people. 

There are not many of them out there, but you do not need many because they will bring you everything.

The value of reciprocity

One thing to keep in mind is that  you should not give anything without getting something back.   If someone is kind to you, then you should treat them the same way. You make up a team, you have to balance it so that no one loses and no one wins.

Reciprocity is knowing how to understand the other person completely. You understand that they deserve respect, you appreciate them as a part of yourself, and you recognize everything they do for you.

And it will always lead you to behave in the same way.

Trust does not destroy you. It creates bonds

Good people, people who enrich your life by helping you be a better person every day, establish a very intimate and special connection with you.

  • They see you as respectable, strong and understanding, getting support from people who love you.
  • People who love you  do not condemn you, they do not try to change you or betray you.  They think of you the way they think of themselves, they are empathetic and are emotionally mature. 

In short, you will meet good and bad people throughout your life. And you must learn from each of them.

Woman sitting with a lan rose flower

Be someone who brings joy.

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