The Flirting Game: 5 Effective Ways To Attract A Man

The art of seduction is not a new concept. Since primitive times, attraction has begun with a simple glance between a woman and a man.
The Flirting Game: 5 Effective Ways to Attract a Man

In flirting, it is worth using all the weapons at your disposal. And why not break some of the rules? Gone are the days when a woman had to wait to be seduced. Now they too can take the first step. In this article, we will not focus on the little things such as how you look. Instead, we will focus on what will really make you stand out. We will talk about 5 effective ways to attract a man!

But what is it that will actually attract a man? First, we need to immerse ourselves in some basic psychological and social techniques that never go wrong.

How to attract a man

Seduction of a man requires knowing yourself first and foremost. It’s about knowing who you are and feeling confident in yourself.

You need to maintain self-confidence no matter what you look like physically. The key is to follow the following steps:

  • Encourage him to not only be interested in you, but to feel like you.
  • Become the person he can trust.
  • Send signals with a touch of ambiguity.
  • Create the illusion that others want you.
  • Make him believe he needs you.

Moreover , you can not beat femininity. A woman with characteristics of understanding, honest vulnerability, and independence often catches men’s eyes.

Undoubtedly, this will arouse curiosity when you stand in front of a man.

Let’s analyze the above in a little more detail:

1. Interest

attract a man

The first thing you need to do is ask yourself: What can make you look vulnerable to the other person? Analyze how to change your body language and your movements.

It’s good to smile and look good (even if it’s just a pretense!).

Do not let him see that you get nervous by playing with your finger on the tips of your hair, biting your lip or trunk when you speak.

Be energetic and creative when entering into a conversation. This will allow you to be more confident and arouse his interest.

2. Trust

The key is to approach yourself subtly, because if you are too direct, you risk encouraging resistance. Seduction should be gradual so that a man does not immediately notice your presence.

You can initiate your approach through a third party, but your behavior must be neutral. It is always better to give the man the opportunity to speak so that you can analyze your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities.

In the art of seduction, the winner is the one who keeps a cool head, because if you let your emotions guide you, you will lose control of the situation.



The next step is to draw attention to yourself.

How do you do it?

It is about giving conflicting signals that give rise to doubt.

That is: Be careful and intelligent, but at the same time do not be afraid to show weakness. This will make him go into confusion and the mystery will keep him close to you.

Consider the following analogy: Product marketing gives you a product that shows all its qualities and becomes so irresistible that you want to try it as soon as possible.

When it comes to relationships, it works in a similar way, and that is where the imagination comes into the picture. The fact that you are not “giving it a try”, metaphorically speaking, makes you a challenge. Of course, a competitive instinct in the man will strike and he will feel that he just has to have.

It is important to remember that you should not be sure that he is attracted until he shows that he likes your physical company, but that he also feels your absence.

Your way of dressing and how your lips look makes sure he turns around to see you. But your goal is to capture his mind, to show that there is more behind just you than just your outfit.

To achieve this, you need to balance lack of interest and uncertainty in. This means that you should not be too shy, but also not too cold: Mix both and you will catch him.

4. Envy

Why do we want what others have? There is something in psychology called “missing piece syndrome” that explains why you want what you do not have.

We experience such a situation many times a day, not just necessarily in the field of love. We feel pressure when someone is about to achieve something that we do not have or are about to get.

It is a dissatisfaction that does not allow us to move forward and that makes us worry. A woman that others avoid does not arouse interest.

You must prove yourself desirable so that the man believes that you are wanted by other men. This will automatically increase your value and he will do whatever it takes to get you.

5. Need

Woman wants man

A contented person will be hard to seduce. You need to make him believe he needs you. There are many women out there who are directly or indirectly your competitors.

Now you need to show your best qualities and  project an image of superiority.

You can start by touching on sensitive topics: Stories from your past that show him that you are much better than other women.

The best thing is to be both honest and confident so that he discovers that you are someone he can trust and allow himself to feel vulnerable with.

This is a way to take the step that goes beyond just being friends. If you uncover a wound, the anxiety of filling that void will show him that you are the one who meets his needs. The chance of filling a void is a weakness often used to seduce.

Be charming but subtle. Do not invade his place. Let him seek you. Otherwise, if you are too aggressive, he will end up running away.

You need to make sure that when he is with you, that he feels calm and comfortable, but when he walks away that he immediately misses you.

So are you ready to nip him? Are you ready to attract a man?

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