The Difference Between Love And Obsession

Is it love or an obsession? When love becomes an obsession, the other person goes from complementing you to completing you. You are afraid of losing them. Learn more in this article.
The difference between love and obsession

Love is a feeling that is so intense that it sometimes gets out of control. It ends up being an obsession that sneaks up on us from behind. So what is the difference between love and obsession?

It is not easy to recognize when you are trapped by obsession or when you really feel love.

Because of this, today we will take a look at some of the fundamental differences between love and obsession. This helps make it clearer and easier to see what is happening to you.

Love and obsession?

The exclusive disease

Two people touch each other

Something happens when you find out you are obsessed with another person. You build a wall around the relationship that you can’t work your way out of.

This exclusivity drowns you. This happens because most of the time you want to control everything. As a result , you are full of doubt and attention instead of relaxing and just enjoying the relationship.

Love, on the other hand, values ​​honesty between the couple in the relationship.

Obsession and self-esteem

When obsessions occur, it has something to do with low self-esteem. We are missing something. We need something we do not have. As a result, we become obsessed.

Do not lose yourself: You do not need anyone to complete you. You are a complete person.

But when we talk about love, we are not talking about someone fulfilling us. Instead, we are talking about someone who complements us.

There is acceptance in love

Couples looking at each other

The moment a couple strikes up, there is always a period of pain. You have to go through this. But sooner or later you accept reality.

But with obsession, that is not the case. There is pain, but we can not let go. We remain trapped or bound. Often we cannot gain acceptance unless we get into therapy.

The other person is a human being

This should be obvious. But when we talk about obsession, it’s not so clear.

In these cases, the other person is like a piece of property. They are something that belongs to you. This is so they can give you what you are missing.

In your heart you think of them as “obligated” and that you can not live without them. Because of your need , they stop being human and become a possession.

When we talk about love, we have the other person in mind. They can enjoy their rights as much as their freedom.

The purpose of manipulation – this is how love and obsession are connected

Rope around a young man

Sometimes one partner develops a lack of interest in the other in a relationship.

If we’re talking about love, it’s making you sad. But you end up making a decision and accepting the breach.

But in the second case, nothing happens. It is rather used as a weapon against the other person.

By doing this , they are trying to make the other person guilty of this lack of interest.

The importance of communication

Communication and empathy are fundamental elements of any healthy relationship. This helps to make it all run smoothly.

But in relationships where obsession is present, communication is absent. Instead , there is the fear that the other person may run away, flee, or leave us.

Because of this, you pretend that nothing has happened. You pretend that everything is going well, so you do not have to deal with the reality of the problem.

Eyes that weep - love and obsession

Have you ever experienced these two forms of “love” or the belief that you love? People who become too obsessed with their relationships end up getting very hurt.

Their needs are not being met. If something suddenly changes, they lose control.

They do not allow anyone to change or become anything else. They have given everything for the other person.

But they have forgotten themselves. So  the only solution is to find oneself again.

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