The Best Remedies For Treating Eczema

Eczema is a common disorder. So keep reading to learn about the best natural remedies to prevent its symptoms.
The best remedies for treating eczema

Eczema can cause red spots, itchy rashes or swelling of the skin. It is also called dermatitis and causes dryness and itching in most cases. It can occur on, for example, the face and hands. Therefore, we would like to show you how to treat eczema here, as long as your condition is not too severe. You can get eczema on:

  • Face
  • Inner elbow and behind the knees
  • Hands and feet
  • Scratching can make the area red, making the swelling and itching worse. In addition, scratches cause eczema to spread more easily and faster.

Eczema can be classified according to the characteristics of each type:

  • Atopic: There are several types of atopic eczema. But they are generally areas of red, crusty skin that constantly itch.
  • Seborrheic: Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin inflammatory condition that causes scaly areas on the skin. These areas are usually found on the scalp (not to be confused with dandruff) and the face.
  • Contact: Contact dermatitis refers to any skin inflammation caused by the skin coming in contact with a foreign substance.

Eczema is a common disorder. So keep reading to learn about the best natural remedies to treat eczema.

Honey to treat eczema

Honey for eczema

It is no secret that honey improves the antibacterial properties and helps treat eczema. Thus, you can use this natural product as a treatment.


  • 4 tablespoons honey (100 g)


  • First, apply honey and rub it on the area using circular motions.
  • Be sure to leave the honey on for 2 hours.
  • Then wash it off with plenty of water and let this part of the body be exposed to air.

Also read this article: 9 things that will happen by eating honey daily

Olive oil

Olive oil is very effective in treating eczema due to its incredible properties.

  • It relieves outbreaks and reduces inflammation caused by eczema.
  • Olive oil penetrates deep into the epidermis, which nourishes and softens the skin without causing allergic reactions.
  • It contains vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. These help keep the skin moisturized and prevent dryness.
  • It contains squalanel and oleocantal, which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds.
  • Its tyrsol and beta-sitosterol content minimizes the production of inflammatory compounds.
  • Reduces the amount of skin bacteria.


  • 4 tablespoons olive oil (60 ml)


  • First, apply olive oil to the skin. Rub it in with a clean towel and massage with circular motion.
  • Having the oil on for 2 hours is crucial for the best results.
  • Then wash it off with plenty of cold water and let this part of the body be exposed to air.

Also check out this article: 5 face masks with olive oil

Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is a liquid that is mainly acetic acid and water. It is the result of acetic acid bacteria fermenting ethanol. Vinegar is not only a kitchen ingredient but also has industrial, medicinal and bodily uses.

Using vinegar as a natural eczema treatment will not only relieve outbreaks, it will also help your body prevent future ones.


  • 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (60 ml)


  • Rub the apple cider vinegar on the affected area. You can use a clean towel to do this.
  • Let it sit for 2 hours.
  • Then wash it off with plenty of cold water and let this part of the body be exposed to air.

Oranges, Clementines and other lemon varieties

These fruits contain high amounts of vitamin c, which can reduce the amount of histamine that the body releases. Histamine is a compound that the body releases when faced with an allergen. Thus, these fruits can be a great help for people with atopic eczema.


  • Orange
  • Clementine
  • Guava


  • Eating an orange, clementine or guava can help prevent eczema symptoms.
  • You should eat 1 pc. Of these fruits after each meal.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Another popular homemade remedy for treating eczema scars is aloe vera. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties reduce irritation caused by eczema. It also heals dark scars over time.


  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel (15 ml)


  • First, apply aloe vera gel to areas where you normally have eczema. Spread it around with circular motions using your fingertips.
  • Let it sit for 20 hours and wash it off with plenty of cold water.

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