The 5 Most Common Types Of Cancer In Women

Breast, abdominal, colon and lung cancers are the most common cancers in women. Breast cancer is the most common, but also has the highest survival rate.
The 5 most common types of cancer in women

It is important to know the most common types of cancer in women. We do not intend to intimidate you; our intention is simply to inform and make you aware that prevention is essential. 

Healthy lifestyle and regular examinations, as well as staying away from ugly habits like tobacco, will prevent many of these diseases. Cancer does not always have to mean death. It is a disease that can be treated, but which requires effort, social support and strength to face it.

There are  millions of women who fight cancer every year, so it is worth making an effort to prevent it. Set aside the next three minutes of your time for this quick article to become aware of the  most common cancers in women.

1. Breast cancer

Woman pressing herself on the chest

Breast cancer has, without a doubt, the greatest impact on women. But we should mention something important here:  it has the highest survival rate.

You probably know someone in your circle who has breast cancer, or maybe you have even lost someone you love because of this terrible disease. But as science advances every day, more and more women survive. Self-examinations of breasts and mammography are key factors for early detection. Here are a few  signs and symptoms  to keep in mind:

  • A bulge or lump on the  chest, nipple or armpit that was not there before.
  • Chest pain when pressing.
  • Change in breast size.
  • Irregularities in the skin: discoloration, gastric ulcer, orange peel-like consistency.
  • Less mobility on one side when raising the arms.
  • Submerged nipples.

2. Colon cancer

Colon force

Colon cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women.  It may come as a surprise, but it is a very serious fact to be aware of. The number is higher among men.

How does it occur? What is the reason for that? There are no convincing answers to these questions. Almost all colon cancers start with non-cancerous  polyps. If they are not found and removed early enough, they can turn into cancer. It is a risk, so it is very important to be aware of the following symptoms:

  • Blood in the stool.
  • Abdominal pains
  • General discomfort, slow digestion and fatigue.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Frequent bouts of diarrhea and  constipation. Abnormal, thin stools.

3. Cancer of the abdomen

Woman holding on to her stomach

Ovarian cancer and uterine cancer, as you know, fall into the category of abdominal cancer.   Here, prevention and annual examinations are crucial. A few small tests can save lives. All you have to do is make an annual appointment with your gynecologist, to rule out any problems.

Let’s look at some of the most commonly reported symptoms:

  • Irregular periods. This should be the first reason for alarm. Heavy bleeding during  menstruation  should be reported to your doctor immediately. Watch for heavy or irregular menstruation.
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Pelvic pain. This symptom may be a sign of possible ovarian cancer. Also pay attention to discomfort in the pelvis or abdomen, including bloating or cramps.
  • Change in vaginal secretion,  either darker in color or with strong odor. It is a sign of a possible infection.
  • Constant fatigue. If for no apparent reason you start your day and feel tired and come home in the evening with almost no strength left.

4. Lung cancer

Lung cancer - cancer in women

It is one of the more common forms of  cancer in women . But in the last few years, the incidence has become worrying because it has one of the highest rates of mortality in both men and women.

80% of cases have their origin in tobacco. Smoking or being present in places or in situations where you are exposed to smoke has serious consequences for your health.  It is definitely something to be avoided, just like other bad habits that lead to many diseases.

The number of female smokers has increased significantly.  Either something is missing in advertising campaigns or the message just does not go through: Stop it for your own health and peace of mind! Watch for the following symptoms:

  • A persistent  cough.
  • Chest pain on cough.
  • The wheezing in the chest, during breathing.
  • Fatigue.
  • Weight loss.
  • Coughing up blood.
  • Feels like you can not get enough air.
  • Snoring at night.

5. Skin cancer

Breast cancer - cancer in women

Skin cancer is also becoming an increasingly alarming reality. Our habit of lying out in the summer sun without the right protection causes the formation of these  malignant birthmarks. How can we identify a dangerous birthmark? Use the ABCDE rule : 

  • A stands for asymmetry: A benign birthmark is always symmetrical
  • B is for edge:  The edges should look normal. If you see any imperfections, consult your dermatologist.
  • C is for color:  Keep an eye out for any brown, red, black or blue spots on the birthmark.
  • D is for diameter:  If your birthmarks measure more than 6 mm in size, see your doctor.
  • E is for evolution:  If you notice that the birthmark has changed, see your doctor.

Do you want to remember that rule?

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