Purin: Everything You Should Know About It

When you eat foods rich in purine, the amount of uric acid increases. If it accumulates, this acid can cause various ailments such as arthritis.
Purin: Everything you should know about it

Many people know about purine because of its relationship to gout. Few people, however, understand the true meaning of these molecules and their role in the body. They are one of the components that make up the basic components of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Purines  are a type of nitrogen base,  which is a basic part needed to make DNA, as we just mentioned. They are therefore found in our cells and in the foods we eat, such as meat.

In addition, they have their own cycle of degradation and excretion from the body. This process is important as  they turn into uric acid when they are broken down. If the uric acid is not excreted properly, then it can cause gout.

Among the chemicals characterized as purine, there are two basic types: adenine and guanine. In this article, we will explain what purine is being used for and why our bodies need it.

What is purine?

As we have already mentioned, purine is a family of molecules. They are chemical components that make up part of our DNA  and other molecules such as ribonucleic acid (RNA). In this family there are two important groups: Adenine and Guanine.

Since they are part of DNA, it makes sense that they are found naturally in our bodies. Our bodies can actually make them themselves. In addition, certain foods such as meat and fish are also very rich in purine.

Purine takes part in many cellular metabolic processes  and also in the synthesis of proteins. There are many disorders that alter the normal cycle of these molecules. When the process of excreting them is affected, one can, for example, develop conditions related to uric acid such as gout.

However, gout is not the only major disease associated with purine, although it is the most common. There are many ailments that affect the breakdown of those that are more severe than gout.

Foot with arthritis caused by purine

How is purine related to uric acid?

Purine leaves uric acid when they are broken down in our tissues. The liver and small intestine break it down normally. The amount of uric acid that is produced depends on several factors.

In general, the most important factor is our diet. This is because the  food we eat is one of the main sources of purine. Almost all of the uric acid is excreted through urine, although some of it is excreted through the intestines.

When you produce a lot of uric acid or you can not get rid of it properly, it accumulates in the body. If that happens, it settles in our tissues like tophi. In general, it  accumulates in our joints, causing arthritis. A high concentration of uric acid can also cause kidney problems.

Gout is a type of arthritis that can be explained by purine. It primarily affects the joints of our big toes. It also causes intense pain and redness and swelling in the area.

Foot with severe arthritis

Why is purine important for our diet?

As we have already mentioned,  food is our primary source of purine. This means that our diet is an important factor in the development and control of diseases caused by uric acid.

While everyone should ideally follow a healthy, balanced diet, it is even more important for people who are predisposed to these conditions to keep an eye on what they are eating. Some foods rich in purine are:

  • Meat in general,  whether it is beef, pork or poultry.
  • Seafood  such as lobster and mussels.
  • Liver and kidneys from any animal.
  • Fish  such as smoked salmon and anchovies.

When one has a problem converting purine, one should avoid eating these foods. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of fluids to increase the amount of uric acid that is excreted. We also recommend that you maintain a healthy weight and avoid alcohol.

Keep this in mind

Despite all the recommendations we have given you in this article, you should always talk to a doctor. It is important to note that  purine is necessary,  but it may also be related to various diseases.

Gout is the most well-known disorder and the arthritis that it causes is very painful. For that reason, it is important to be aware in order to be able to detect it in time.

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