Natural Remedies For Involuntary Urination

Involuntary urination is an unpleasant problem that many people experience. Learn how to regain control and confidence with these wonderful natural remedies.
Natural remedies against involuntary urination

Involuntary urination is a very unpleasant problem.


The people who suffer from it know that they have  no control over their bladder  and experience psychological consequences that arise due to the feeling of not having control.

To increase the patient’s self-esteem, it is important to  know if they have chronic involuntary urination or if it can be cured.

Either way, there are  some very useful natural remedies that can help alleviate this condition.

Let’s look at some of them.

Fennel tea

Fennel flower

Fennel is a plant that has  diuretic properties.

It may seem counterproductive to ingest this ingredient as it helps in the formation of urine. The truth is, though, that  it makes it a lot easier to empty your bladder completely every time you go to the bathroom.

Therefore, it will make it harder for urine to leak out of the bladder and it will take longer to refill it.


  • 2 tablespoons fennel seeds (20 grams)
  • 250 ml of water

Course of action

  • Heat the water and when it boils, add the fennel seeds.
  • Let the mixture stand and infuse for 10 minutes and  then sift it.
  • Wait until it has cooled down before consuming it and  drink it once a day.

Tea of ​​raspberry leaves

Hindbaer te

This drink will help strengthen the muscles in the area mentioned  and therefore reduce the frequency of urine leakage.

To make this wonderful tea, the only thing one has to do is to follow the same method that one would do to make any other tea. It’s easy!


  • 1 tablespoon raspberry leaves (not seeds)
  • 1 glass of water

Course of action

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the raspberry leaves.
  • Wait 10 minutes before sifting the mixture and drinking it.
  • You should take it  once a day.

Bath with garlic


Garlic can also be  a wonderful remedy for people who suffer from involuntary urination.


  • 1 garlic
  • 1 bunch of white sea buckthorn flowers
  • 1 liter of water

Course of action

  • To combat involuntary urination, one will need to add crushed garlic and a bunch of white sea buckthorn flowers to a liter of boiling water.
  • When the mixture is hot, sift the liquid and pour into the bath so that you can  bathe in it once a day.
  • These baths should go hand in hand with a tea, such as the one with fennel or raspberry, that has been mentioned above.

Leaves from raspberry rice

Melbaer plants

Leaves from raspberry rice, which can be found in a health food store, can also be  one of the most useful solutions to involuntary urination.

Once again, one will have to  ingest them as a tea.


  • 1 tablespoon leaves of raspberry rice (10 grams)
  • 1 liter of water

Course of action

  • Add a tablespoon of leaves from mulberry rice to a quart of water to make a tea.
  • Drink one cup of this tea every three hours,  but  drink no more than four or five cups  of it a day.

Note: and instead one should choose one of the other means from this list.

Exercises with hot water

Water being boiled

Strengthening your muscles is another way to improve involuntary urination.

This is how you should do it

  • To do this, fill a tub with warm water and sit in it. If you do not have a tub, you can use any other tool that you can fill with water and sit in. Start tensing all the muscles of your genitals for five seconds, and repeat this exercise.
  • Rest for about ten seconds and tense your muscles again.
  • Repeat this exercise in the water 10 times in total.

You will notice how  your muscles start to get stronger little by little. You will also notice that  you do not want as much involuntary urination  as before, or perhaps they are less noticeable, which will help you gain more confidence.

Exercise that can help you

An older couple running

Some exercises, such as  lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet slightly spread,  will help you to tighten the rectum, urethra and in the case of women also the vagina.

Tighten well in the area and slowly count to three.

Continue this simple exercise by  slowly releasing the tension in the muscles  and  repeating this process between five and ten times.

This is an exercise that goes hand in hand with stable and comfortable breathing. It prevents tensing of the abdomen, thighs and gluteal muscles instead.

Check your stomach with your hands to make sure your stomach is relaxed and that you are not tensing in the wrong area.

Give these wonderful remedies a try!

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