Kidney Failure Symptoms: 7 Signs You Must Know

It is no secret that good kidney function allows us to enjoy a high quality of life in terms of our health.
Kidney Failure Symptoms: 7 Signs You Must Know

Occasionally, recurrent pain in the kidney area may indicate a problem with these organs. These pains can be symptoms of kidney failure. But they can also occur due to muscle weakness.

Kidney Failure Symptoms

Although we do not usually think about the importance of these organs, they work to help us remove fluids and toxins that can make the body sick.

In fact, during the day they can process up to 190 liters of blood, which after a filtration process allows us to expel about 2 liters of water and waste.

In addition, there is no doubt that the health of the kidneys determines our well-being, as they participate in the control of blood pressure and the secretion of some hormones.

Because of this , it is important to be aware of signs of irregularities or diseases in a timely manner, as any symptoms of kidney failure can lead to the development of chronic problems.

On this occasion , we have collected 7 kidney failure symptoms that can appear when something is not quite as it should be with your body system.

Do not overlook them!

1. Fluid retention and inflammation

Doctor marks after fluid retention

One of the first signs of kidney failure is uncontrolled inflammation in the body, which is usually accompanied by fluid retention.

These kidney failure symptoms are the result of the kidneys having difficulty filtering waste and producing urine. As a result, this causes waste in the tissues.

Contact your doctor if you notice unusual inflammation in:

  • Feet and ankles
  • Hands
  • Leg
  • Face
  • Stomach

2. Loss of bladder control

You should take into account bladder control problems which are one of many possible symptoms of kidney failure.

An increase in the number of visits to the bathroom or a reduction without apparent cause indicates that there may be some abnormality in the function of the kidneys.

Visible changes in the urine

Doctor with urine sample

The texture, color and smell of the texture are characteristics that make it possible to detect whether the kidneys are having difficulty completing their tasks.

Noticeable changes, such as A more yellowish color than usual can be a sign of infections or chronic problems.

It is also necessary to consult a doctor if:

  • The urine is frothy.
  • The scent is strong or unpleasant.
  • It burns when you urinate.
  • There is blood in your urine.

4. Skin rash

Although rashes can occur due to several factors, a malfunction in the kidneys may explain their presence.

The organs fail to filter out any toxins that remain in the bloodstream. And after the body transports them, they change the normal production of oils from the skin.

As a result, bad acne can occur. However, it is almost always accompanied by an annoying feeling of itching and irritation.

5. Pain in the lower back

Woman with back pain

A recurrent pain in the lumbar region or on one side of the body may be a sign of symptoms of kidney failure.

Patients with this type of disease, especially older adults, report the feeling of this type of pain due to inflammation.

While it may be a weakening of the muscles, we must not rule out the possibility that there is a problem with these organs.

6. high blood pressure

Patients diagnosed with kidney failure or kidney disease should constantly check their blood pressure as this may suffer from severe changes.

The functions performed by these organs help to keep the balance between potassium and sodium, two important minerals that keep the blood pressure stability in balance.

They also keep fluids in the body under control, while avoiding inflammation in tissues and arteries.

On the other hand, we must keep in mind that high blood pressure can stem from a problem called renal artery stenosis, which causes a partial obstruction of the artery that carries blood to the kidneys.

7. Feeling tired

Woman who is tired

When the kidneys fail in their functions, it is common for patients to have a feeling of fatigue and lack of energy.

This is due to the decreased production of a hormone known as erythropoietin. This is responsible for creating red blood cells in the blood to optimize the transport of oxygen and nutrients.

Its disorder can lead to chronic anemia, as well as dizziness and concentration problems.

Have you noticed any of these symptoms? Remember that many of the kidney problems can be corrected if they are detected in their early stages.

Address any warning signs immediately and try to adopt healthy habits that reduce the risk.

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