It’s The Little Things That Make The Difference

In general, we are not aware that it is not the extraordinary things that are most important – but rather the small things and the people that surround us every day – until it is too late.
It's the little things that make the difference

It’s the little things that make the difference. Ten out of ten people love the little details of life.  These little details do not need important encounters or clichés, and they blossom out of our daily lives to create a wide variety of reasons to persevere. They give us reason to feel humble and help us learn how to care for the people we love.

That’s because it’s the little things that have the biggest impact. They are what show the strength of others and they are what bring big smiles over our faces. The small details are always the most important  because they are what make us grow and get better day by day.

The little things are what really make us fall in love with life

Family sleeping together

These are the little things we  fall  in love with because they make a difference and they give life the status it deserves. They are a reflection of the greatness of people and our ability to love all the time and unconditionally.

But the truth is that  we win the lottery every day, every second and in every little detail.  Details like getting up every day and having someone you love by your side. Details like breaking out in a fit of laughter, conversations lasting until 3am, or the sight of the sunset.

What is really important and what keeps us alive, everyday life. But you can only realize this if you lose something or if something goes wrong.  This last point is very important because when something goes wrong, when you are disappointed, there is still something coming to life inside.

Small details make big moments

Family everyday

Following a diet, going to the gym or being productive at work are all great daily goals, but it omits something even more important:  You need to become a collector of emotional moments.

This is because emotional moments are what bring  happiness  in life. To get used to this, you could start by writing an emotional diary journal in which you jot down what you had a special moment with that will reflect your feelings and emotions.

After a few days with this type of situation, you will be amazed at how you become more aware of your  relationships. Thanks to the efforts you make, you will strengthen your bonds with other people, because if you do, you can make big changes in life.

It could also help you pay more attention to creating a “love card” for people close to you. Your brain will store this information so that you feel more familiar with the details of other people’s lives.

Couple sitting and enjoying the stars

Details to include on your “love card”

Below we will list what psychologist John Gottman suggests we need to know when creating our list of small details:

  • Your loved one’s favorite.
  • Their favorite movies, TV shows and books.
  • At least two people that they deeply admire.
  • Their favorite animals.
  • Their ideal resort.
  • The first thing they would buy if they won the lottery.
  • Something you could do to improve your relationship with him / her.
  • What does he / she want to change about you?
  • What is their favorite way to spend the afternoon at home?
  • What activity does he / she feel most competent in?
  • What are their secret ambitions?
  • In what way does he / she want to  improve  himself / herself?
  • What are their favorite restaurants?
  • What type of literature does he / she prefer?
  • What is their favorite activity when they are sick?
  • What would their ideal birthday present be?
  • What worries or stresses them at the moment?
  • What is their favorite way to get your attention?
  • What is their most desired, unfulfilled dream?
  • Which activity does he / she feel most competent in?

Men also like small details

Couples having fun together - Small things that make the difference

A lot of times, people have the wrong idea that most men are not interested in the little things. They do not seem to appreciate small or subtle things and they consider certain things to be a waste of time. But they appreciate the little things, just like women do.

That is why we must defend them that what  they too deserve things that give them hope, like words, kisses or unexpected hugs. They also want to be surprised because they also deserve love. 

Whether you are a man or a woman, appreciate the people around you every day. A good way to do that is to notice their differences in small details, bring special care and attention to the pitch.

It is imperative that you make the people you love feel special.  Show them that they mean something to your life because people day by day forget that it is important to show affection and make others see that they are important to you.

This is without a doubt something that keeps love fresh.

Author’s remark:

  • If you’re interested in how to improve communication in your relationships, read works by authors John M. Gottman and Joan DeClaire. These books can be incredibly enriching and will help improve the quality of your relationships.
  • Photos kindly lent by Puuung.

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