Is Brown Sugar Better Than White Sugar?

In this article, we will show you why brown sugar and white sugar are practically the same, as well as their impact on human health.
Is brown sugar better than white sugar?

In recent years, white sugar has often been replaced with other substances that are apparently healthier. An example is brown sugar. But is brown sugar really better and healthier than white sugar?

Overall,  this type of sugar contains a bit more fiber, but that does not necessarily mean it is better than white sugar. If you compare it to other foods, it contains very little fiber. In addition, the glycemic index and the reaction in the pancreas during digestion are quite similar to that of white sugar.

Sugar in the food industry

Sugar is one of the most widely used products in the food industry. It has antimicrobial properties, which means it improves the preservation of food. It can also improve organoleptic properties, making other foods more appealing.

Sugar is associated with the manifestation of many complex diseases,  such as diabetes and cancer. In recent years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended limiting its intake to lower the rate for obese people.

Brown sugar in bowl

The name does not matter: brown sugar is still sugar

Nowadays, and after the campaigns that have been made about the intake of sugar, one can now find varieties with different names. However, they are all the same. Sugar is the primary ingredient in all products such as brown sugar, raw cane sugar, honey and coconut sugar. 

Although the systemic effect of all these products is quite similar, the marketing of them tries to show a different reality. It is therefore a good idea to reduce your intake of all these foods.

Instead, it is better to increase the intake of carbohydrates with low glycemic index and foods rich in fiber to ensure healthy intestines. It is also a good idea to increase your intake of essential fatty acids within the framework of a normal diet in terms of calorie intake.

One way to reduce your sugar intake is by using artificial sweeteners. However, one should not overuse them. These products are usually tested in laboratories. Experts still do not know the long-term side effects of them all.

Too much sugar? Try intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a diet that has become very popular for losing weight and preventing the development of diabetes. Some people believe that by fasting one will be able to repair the insulin resistance that a large intake of sugar causes.

At present, the most common method of intermittent fasting is 16: 8, due to how convenient it is. It consists of fasting for 16 hours a day. During that period, the enzyme AMPK is activated, which is responsible for catabolic processes and the production of energy for fat burning.

Therefore, fasting may be a possible way to lose weight for some people. It also significantly reduces the number of calories one eats per week. However, it is very important to be well informed about this type of diet and its risks and to get advice from your doctor and a nutritionist.

Brown sugar lumps

Conclusion: Is brown sugar better than white sugar?

The many different names that the food industry is trying to give to the same product in different forms do not change its quality. Brown sugar is still very similar to white sugar.

It is therefore a food that one should not consume in excessive amounts. That way, you will avoid problems associated with obesity and the development of complex diseases.

An interesting strategy may be to choose artificial sweeteners, but always in moderate amounts. Another interesting solution is to perform intermittent fasting. Either way, however, experts agree that it is important to reduce your sugar intake.

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