How To Protect Against Mold On Brick Walls

Mold on brick walls can affect the aesthetics of a home and the health of residents. With that in mind, frequent maintenance is essential to avoid the presence of harmful microorganisms. Learn more in this article!
How to protect against mold on brick walls

Mold is a fungus that grows easily in areas where there is a lot of moisture and darkness. You can find it both inside and out, and it is one of the things that affects the tranquility and aesthetics most in a home. Discover how to protect against mold on brick walls in this article!

A little about mold

Fungi generate spores for reproduction. Therefore, it does not require fertilization. These spores are in the air and are not visible to the naked eye. For this reason, they circulate in the environment until they generate new colonies in several areas of the house.

It is easy to detect when mold is forming because it leaves a green, gray or white spot. The fungi are harmful inside because they retain moisture and can cause the wall to crack. They can also affect our health, cause respiratory diseases and irritate the eyes.

Materials to protect against mold on brick walls

Severe climates and drastic temperature changes can cause mold on brick walls. For that reason, any house with the slightest neglect can be the victim of one of the most infamous and unpleasant fungi.

But with some cheap and easily accessible materials, you can remove what is stuck in the walls of your home. Below we describe the necessary steps you can take to treat this nuisance.

Mouthpieces and gloves

To perform the cleaning process and protect your brick walls from mold, use appropriate protection. This is because direct contact with the mold can cause skin damage, allergies and respiratory irritation.

Similarly, protection is also important because people with sensitive skin may experience unwanted reactions on their skin when using cleansers.

Man bends down and takes notes

Ready vinegar to treat mold on brick walls

This is the liquid that many specialists recommend to clean the surfaces where mold has accumulated. This is because vinegar contains properties that kill microorganisms, remove stains and any unpleasant odors.

You should use the vinegar without diluting it, as your intention here is to apply a strong liquid. It is also a good idea to use a sprayer that helps you spray all the areas that the fungus affects and helps you avoid spilling the product.

Cleaning brush and pressure hose

During the cleaning process, use a cleaning brush. This tool helps distribute the liquid, clean the hard-to-reach areas, and remove the most stubborn mold on the brick walls.

Using a pressure hose will also make the rinsing phases easier and help weaken the most complicated residue to be removed.

Hot water

The water you use during the cleaning process should be warm because it is the best temperature for removing dirt, grease, toxins and built-up microorganisms.

Steps to protect against mold on brick walls

With six simple steps, you can achieve a wall that is permanently free of mold, while at the same time looking neat and healthy. Below we tell you the necessary steps to have a successful cleaning process.

1. Examine the area

As with any process, it is important to take the time to analyze all the areas you need to work on. This step allows you to examine the surface, find out if there are any defects, and consult a specialist if there is damage to the pipes causing the moisture.

If you skip this phase, the mold stains may persist on your brick walls and become visible again after a few days.

2. Wear protective clothing when you want to treat mold on brick walls

Before embarking on the cleaning process, be sure to wear a bandage and gloves designed for this type of work.

You will need protection until the final process to prevent any health problems. You should also make sure that the clothes you buy are of good quality to guarantee your safety.

3. Clean the brick wall

To get started removing the fungus, it is necessary to clean each area of ​​the wall with water. This step is the key to removing the various types of dirt that accumulate.

The area must be free of any kind of dust that could trigger any future reproduction of microorganisms. For this reason, it is important to disinfect it with warm water in the first step.

4. Apply clear vinegar

You need to put the clear vinegar in a container that is in good condition and has a spray function. After spraying all the affected areas well, let it sit for 15 minutes so that the solution begins to act on the joints between the bricks.

5. Scrub with a brush

You should give all the bricks a good scrubbing trip to ensure that you distribute the vinegar correctly on the wall and remove any fungus that is still stuck. With this tool you can reach all small corners.

6. Rinse and add a little more of the liquid

Lastly, it is important to rinse the entire wall with warm water. This way you can remove the rest of the sponge that you have scrubbed off with the brush.

In addition, spray vinegar on the most affected areas to reduce stains and avoid bad odors.

7. You should clean brick walls often

This type of cleaning should be part of your overall cleaning routine. This step helps guarantee that your wall remains protected from moisture and mold.

Recommendations to prevent mold on brick walls

Your home must remain well ventilated to ensure that it has a stable temperature. Opening the windows and doors is essential to ensure that fresh air enters, which helps to clean the area and removes accumulation of moisture.

You can also keep plants that absorb toxins and balance the area.

You should regularly clean all your surfaces. This ensures that your home is free of infections and dirt.

In areas such as bathrooms and kitchens, you should also have an adequate drainage system so that the water you use daily does not get stuck in the pipes and cause damage.

Quality constructions are crucial as they use materials that counteract the presence of harmful microorganisms.

House with brick wall inside

Hygiene and light to protect against mold on brick walls

Having good hygiene helps you keep your home in good condition. For this reason, you should not wait until fungus appears before performing the important maintenance of the walls.

Cleaning the bricks with natural products is effective. With that in mind, we recommend that you look at the benefits of vinegar and avoid using detergents that contain a high content of chemicals.

To sum up, venting is something you should not forget to do regularly. This will allow the necessary light and air to enter so that the mushrooms stay far away from your home!

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