How To Create A Habit

Learning how to create a habit can help you take huge steps toward the projects and goals you want to achieve. In this article, we will tell you how to get started.
How to create a habit

Many people do not know how to create a habit. Although you may have wanted to improve your health, achieve a goal in your career and learn another language, among other academic achievements, you may have never achieved them.

Habits are important to achieve all the things one desires. The problem, however, is that one may have made excuses, such as “I do not have time,” I lack motivation “or” I do not feel prepared “, among other things.

What is a habit?

As we mentioned above, habits are really important because  they can guarantee success and orient you towards achieving the goals you want. Some studies confirm that a habit is:

In addition, they also point out that:

Woman meditates to create a habit

It is necessary to distinguish between habits and customs, since these concepts do not refer to the same thing. In that sense, even if a custom is the repetition of actions, then it does not necessarily have to be voluntary or conscious. Habits involve the decision making of a person who decides to learn them.

In other words, habits are achieved as a conscious choice and performed consciously. This is why current theories emphasize that habits:

The latter definition implies that individuals learn habits through  a process in which memory plays an important role, through associative learning.

How to create a habit?

It should be noted that according to some experts, when a person gets habits from the family, it is more likely that they will continue to perform them for the rest of their lives.

Children, in some cases, begin healthy habits by imitating the behaviors of the older people around them.

However, as people learn habits,  it is possible to start getting them at any time. Below we will mention some tips that can help you create a habit.

1. Think of something you would like to achieve

In more than one case, you may have wanted to improve some aspects of your life, such as eating healthier, stopping addictions and starting the day earlier, among other things.

Smiling woman thinking about creating a habit

2. Start by taking the first step

You do not have to make major changes the first day. For example, if your goal is to start running every morning, then run for five or ten minutes the first day. Do not overwork yourself. You will reach your goal gradually.

3. Plan your habits properly

Avoid doing it in a vague way. For example, instead of saying “I want to run tomorrow”, you should say “tomorrow I will get up at 6am and run for five minutes”. Be specific when it comes to planning habits.

4. Make a plan to create a habit

Remember that when you want to create a habit, you will encounter some excuses that will make you return to your past behavior, such as, “It does not matter if I do not do it today,” ” I will do it later ”or“ I feel too lazy today ”, among other things.

To avoid this,  make a plan and have everything ready when the excuses invade your thoughts.

For example, if you want to enjoy the benefits of mediation, then you can prepare an exercise mat the day before and make the room ready. If you want to run, have your workout clothes ready the night before. If necessary, mute your phone and avoid distractions so you can focus more.

5. Set alarms on your phone

These alarms should include a specific task. If it rings at 6am, make sure it tells you it’s time to go for a run. You can put some notes to yourself in certain strategic places in the house, such as mirrors or the dining table, to remind you of the tasks.

Woman at cafe sitting with her phone

6. Make an overview and keep an eye on it

Once you have your plan in place and you learn a new habit, then you will see how well you are doing and what you have achieved. This will keep your motivation at a high level.

Conclusion on creating a habit

Remember that you are replacing old habits or gaining new habits by changing some limiting beliefs. Some people prevent themselves from thinking and saying things such as “it’s just the way I am”. This belief is very limiting and can deter you from achieving great goals. Maybe you should start checking your beliefs.

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