How High Blood Pressure And Kidney Failure Are Related

Do not use over-the-counter medications. Your liver and kidneys have a hard time processing it.
This is how high blood pressure and kidney failure are linked

Did you know that high blood pressure is one of the worst enemies of your kidney health? This silent disease can slowly damage the body and lead to disorders such as kidney failure.

On our website, today we will show you some of the best strategies to prevent this from happening and help you get your blood pressure under control so you can have a better quality of life.

Do not miss these important tips!

How can high blood pressure damage the kidneys?

The connection is very easy to understand. The real problem, however, is that we almost never pay attention to our blood pressure until we start experiencing negative symptoms, where it is often already too late.

Keep this in mind to understand the link between high blood pressure and kidney failure:

  • High blood pressure causes your heart to work harder. If the hard work continues for a long period of time, your blood vessels can be damaged in such a way that they cannot be repaired again.
  • One of the biggest risks is that the blood vessels in the kidneys will be damaged, which will prevent them from filtering the blood, and thus toxins and waste products will accumulate.
  • This excess fluid further damages the blood vessels and as a consequence, the blood pressure increases. This leads to a dangerous cycle that can end up having serious health consequences.

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How do I know if I am suffering from kidney failure?

Woman gets her kidney examined

Unfortunately, when you start experiencing symptoms of kidney failure, you need to monitor your kidneys on an ongoing basis as this problem is irreversible. People with chronic kidney failure have a greater risk of having to undergo dialysis and kidney transplantation.

This is a very serious problem that is worth trying to avoid. You need to not only check your blood pressure regularly but also keep an eye on your diet and your lifestyle. How do you know if your kidney is losing function? Here are some of the symptoms:

  • Feeling very tired throughout the day.
  • Swollen feet and ankles.
  • Sensitive to cold.
  • The urine is very yellow.
  • Hard, swollen stomach.

The clearest indicator is via a urine test. People with kidney failure have a higher level. What is creatinine? It is a waste product formed by the breakdown of muscle cells and proteins. When the kidneys are functioning properly, creatinine is excreted in the urine, but if the kidneys are not functioning properly, this waste product will accumulate. This is a clear indicator of kidney problems, but as mentioned earlier, it can only be detected through a urine test.

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How can I take better care of my blood pressure so I avoid kidney damage?

Young woman drinking tea

Now that you know how important it is to take care of your blood pressure to prevent kidney failure, take a look at the following tips to keep it under control:

  • Avoid being overweight. Maintain a healthy weight for your age and height.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy vegetables and diuretic fruits like pineapple, pears, grapes and cranberries.
  • Avoid high fat dairy products. Instead, drink vegetable milk from rice, grains or nuts.
  • Avoid all salt. Remove sodium from your diet as well as sugar and refined flour.
  • Exercise at least half an hour a day, but try to keep it moderate at moderate intensity so that you activate your heart and blood circulation. Try walking for half an hour, cycling, swimming or even signing up for dance classes.
  • If you smoke, drop this dangerous and bad habit today.
  • Try taking vitamin D supplements. It is good for kidney function.
  • Drink a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water. It is alkaline and will help improve kidney function.
  • Try not to take too many medications, or at least do not take over-the-counter medications as it is difficult for the liver and kidneys to process.
  • Keep an eye on your stress level. Try to lead a balanced lifestyle and handle your emotions properly. As you already know, stress is a direct trigger for high blood pressure and therefore needs to be handled properly.
  • Do not forget to see your doctor for periodic check-ups to check if you have high blood pressure and to keep an eye on your kidney health. Buy a blood pressure monitor to keep an eye on it at home.

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