Hidden Habits In Depressed People

You can avoid big problems by understanding the hidden habits of depressed people. If you do not detect it early enough, the results can be tragic.
Hidden habits in depressed people

You can avoid big problems by understanding the hidden habits of depressed people. If you do not detect them early enough, the results can be tragic.

Outgoing and social, but depressed? There are several hidden habits in depressed people. Discovering these habits is important to help overcome this pathology.

Hidden depression, a big problem

Sad lady sitting on a sofa

Although depressed people are usually relatively easy to spot, hidden depression is a major problem. Those who suffer from it try to hide their ailments, which only increases their risk. Symptoms appear unexpectedly, usually when it is too late to offer help.

The underlying problem is generally ignored, especially by the sufferer. They can develop suicidal tendencies at any time without understanding why. It is often too late. No one noticed the signs and the victim never talked about it.

A person with latent depression is trying to be optimistic. They listen to music, go for walks or try to exercise to overcome the problem. The fear of rejection leads them to hide their feelings. They may even try to hide damage to other parts of their bodies, e.g. on their arm, to avoid attracting attention.

Contrary to popular belief, extroverted and jovial people take longer to overcome depression than introverts. For a long time, experts thought that it would be extremely unlikely for a person who is cheerful and very sociable to succumb to a depressive condition. However, the reality has turned out to be different.

Also read: Mental tools for depression

Why hide it?

Shame or fear of losing friends or even their jobs are some of the reasons why people hide their depression. The joy they are known for prevents them from telling the truth about their situation. Therefore, you need to be aware of these hidden habits in depressed people so that you can help them overcome them.

Hidden habits in depressed people

Depressed lady at table with notebook

Demonstrations of joy and cordiality can be accompanied by memories of the past. They may be talking about events from the past that have not been overcome, even if the person is not talking about them in a sad way.

If this friend or relative is talking about their anxiety or exhaustion, pay close attention. It is important to pay attention to these details, and even more so if you have not had to deal with something similar before.

Be aware of dietary changes

Lack of appetite is one of the hidden habits of depressed people

Changes in a person’s diet may indicate some disorder. Although eating disorders and depression are different diseases, they can be related.

These changes can occur simultaneously or one disorder can lead to another. If a person shows changes in their appetite, be aware. Be sure to talk to the person so they know they are not alone and that they should seek help.

Their favorite activities no longer interest them

When a person tries to hide their depression, they will not be interested in activities they used to enjoy. They may even feel resentment over activities that they used to love, and that is a sign of a deep-rooted problem.

The first step in treatment is to talk to the person. Even if they do not want to acknowledge their problem, it can be a good starting point to get them in treatment.

Organized but sad

Often people with depression will neglect their appearance, they are constantly sad and do not talk much. However, people with latent depression can be very well-groomed.

Permanent fatigue is an example of hidden habits in depressed people

Sad man in bed

When people hide their depression, a clear symptom may be fatigue for no particular reason. They attribute it to weakness, laziness or having too much work, but behind the apparent weakness can hide a severe depressive state.

Also read: Loneliness and insomnia: An unexpected connection

Anger as one of the hidden habits of depressed people

Anger and irritability are also common symptoms of latent depression and you should not treat them as mere momentary emotions. It is not just about apathy, melancholy, despair, crying and sadness, which are emotions that extroverts do not show as often.

This irritability is often due to the fact that depressed people still have to perform their tasks even when they feel tired. This is often confused with stress, but in reality it can be a clear sign of latent depression.

Lack of sleep is revealing

Discomfort during sleep or insomnia and night sweats for no apparent reason are signs that something is not right. You should consider these to be revealing signs of anxiety because they are usually associated. Carefully introducing these situations into the conversation can help uncover underlying issues.

At some point, people open up. Therefore, living alone is not good for the depressed. When they decide to speak, they need someone to listen. It can mean the difference between life and death. These are moments that create bridges of closeness and trust. Do not forget that what they need is love and acceptance.

If you can spot these hidden habits in depressed people, you can offer them help. It is certainly a challenge, but it will be worth it if you save the life of a loved one.

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