Have You Ever Heard Of Pineapple Strawberries Or White Strawberries?

Very few of them are grown, so it can be very expensive to buy this unique fruit.
Have you ever heard of pineapple strawberries or white strawberries?

Pineapple strawberries or white strawberries are a fun and exotic fruit that was in danger of extinction. Before it was rescued by a group of Dutch farmers.

In 2003, this strange  strawberry species had almost disappeared, but  by acting in time, these farmers managed to keep it alive until today, when it is completely out of the danger zone.

Today there are lots of exotic fruits that are “rare”. Either because they are difficult to grow or only produce fruit once or twice a year. This is the case with the pineapple strawberry, which is not found in many parts of the world, or is found in such limited quantities that people do not even know they exist.

A little background…

White strawberries

They are called both pineapple strawberries and white strawberries and they have a  taste very similar to that of pineapple. But it’s actually a kind of strawberry. 

It is said to have originated in Chile, but in the 18th century it was exported to France, from where it spread to many other parts of the world.

This small fruit is the result of crossing two different strawberry species ( Fragaria virginiana  and  Fragaria chiloensis ), both of American origin. This hybrid, which was created by chance, was given the scientific name Fragaria x ananassa to indicate that it was originally a hybrid, and refers to its special aroma and taste of pineapple ( pineapple ).  

Although these were once sold in markets in Central and South America (where they were easy to grow). The lack of interest of farmers in other parts of the world led to a decline in planting and cultivation, and led to the species disappearing to the point that it almost became extinct.

But in 2003, some Dutch farmers decided to join forces to save the endangered species. And to reintroduce it to France for commercial purposes.

Properties of pineapple strawberries or white strawberries

  • In Spanish-speaking countries, it is common to call this fruit “white soul.”
  • This small berry is characterized by its strong aroma and taste of pineapple, especially when it is most ripe.
  • Unlike ordinary red strawberries , this variety is white, and has red spots and green leaves.
  • The pineapple strawberry plant is quite resistant to disease. But the cultivation can rarely pay off, as a large number of berries do not ripen compared to the total number of berries per. plant.
  • It is believed that the nutrient content of pineapple strawberries is similar to the regular strawberry, but this is still being investigated.

Protection of the species

Different types of strawberries

Until 2003, white strawberries were almost extinct worldwide, and very few people knew they existed. Thanks to so many decades of lack of interest.

Today, the production of this fruit is still very low, so there are many parts of the world where people do not even know it exists. Due to the hassle of producing what we mentioned earlier,  those who find them have to pay a very high price for a small quantity.

It is expected that in the coming years,  when the species has been introduced into new regions of the world. Will the pineapple strawberry be more readily available  to the average consumer.

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