Four Reasons Why Late Bedtimes Are Bad For Your Child

A good night’s sleep provides energy for the next day. It recharges the brain’s “batteries” so they can mentally get the most out of the day. Your child will feel much better after a good night’s sleep.
Four Reasons Why Late Bedtime Is Bad For Your Child

Quality sleep is just as important as healthy food for your child’s development. While it may seem obvious, many do not think about their children’s sleeping habits, or how late bedtime could matter.

Our modern lifestyle has affected our sleep habits. People sleep less and less. Parents are busy with their work, children have many school activities, and electronic devices keep us all awake.

Many people do not know enough about how important sleep is to us. It is modern to sleep too little and work too much, and we do not think about how much it hurts us.

Why is it so bad? What can you do to change it?

Most people want to help their children sleep better. That’s why we’ve written this article to help you change your kids’ sleeping habits for the better.

Why is it important for your child to sleep well?

Children sleeping

It is best for children to go to bed early. But why? Why do children need to sleep so much at all? Although the little ones often refuse to go to bed early, this habit is more important than it seems.

A good night’s sleep provides energy for the next day. It recharges the brain’s “batteries” so they can mentally get the most out of the day. Your child will feel much better after a good night’s sleep.

Sleep also affects your child’s physical abilities. During the night, the muscles recover. They relax after the day’s challenges and are ready to take on new challenges. Sleep is therefore important for your child’s physical development and sports activities.

What does healthy sleep mean

Healthy sleep not only involves going to bed early, but also:

  • Getting enough sleep (not less than 10 hours per night)
  • To get uninterrupted sleep
  • Getting enough nap
  • To create a sleeping schedule that is synchronized with the child’s circadian rhythms (internal biological clock)

If any of the above things are out of sync, it can trigger symptoms of sleep disorders. The good news is that there are several habits that can help keep them on track.

Four Reasons Why Late Bedtime Is Bad For Your Child

One of the hardest things for parents is getting their kids to bed early. With so many distractions , kids just don’t want to go to bed.

Chronic sleep deprivation can impair their development and growth. While it may seem irrelevant right now, poor sleep can be the cause of many future problems.

Late bedtimes can cause concentration problems

Children with gift thief smiles

Poor sleep has a negative impact on a child’s mental health. Lack of sleep makes the child less mentally alert and unable to concentrate on their activities.

A bad night’s sleep is the most common cause of inattention in class. It makes the child tired and unwell.

2. Late bedtimes make the children sleepy

Late bedtime can be the reason why children suffer from sleepiness in the middle of the day. If the baby sleeps too little (less than 10 or 12 hours depending on their age) will make them feel tired and sleepy all day long.

Late bedtimes build up fatigue

Sleepiness goes hand in hand with fatigue. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, it’s not just something adults suffer from. Children can also get tired due to poor sleep.

Tired children sometimes become hyperactive, which in turn can make it harder for them to sleep at night. This is because this condition increases the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline that keep the brain awake.

Sleepy child struggling with homework - late bedtimes

Late bedtimes increase the risk of obesity

Poor sleep patterns can increase the risk of childhood obesity, according to scientific research that collected data from 29 studies conducted in 16 countries.

This research says that late bedtime or interrupted sleep can be a risk factor for obesity.

How To Improve Your Kids’ Sleeping Habits

Children do not grow from their sleep problems and they must therefore be solved as soon as possible. Monitor their sleep patterns and try to get them to bed between 7.30pm and 8.30pm.

The whole family should get involved in this process. It is easier for the child to understand that they need to sleep when they see that their parents and siblings also get enough sleep.

To ensure that their sleep is uninterrupted, they should also sleep in rooms without disturbances such as. TVs, computers or tablets.

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