First Aid In Case Of Accidental Finger Amputation

Accidental finger amputations are one of the most common causes of emergency hand surgery. There are certain caveats that can help save the limb. We will explain these in this article. 
First aid in case of accidental finger amputation

Accidental finger amputation of a finger is a frequent situation in the emergency department. Most cases of amputations occur with fingers, but it can also occur with toes. Overall, there are many causes that can lead to this problem.

Traffic accidents or industrial accidents on factories or farms, for example, are common. Accidental finger amputation may also occur due to electric shock, burns, or freezing. There are even some cultures where this is done as a punishment for criminals or as a ritual.

Few people know how to properly handle the situation when faced with an accidental amputation of a finger. In this article, we will therefore explain the most basic reservations in first aid. This way you can minimize the risk of losing the limb.

First aid for accidental finger amputation

According to a study conducted at the Hospital de San José in Colombia, accidental finger amputation is one of the main causes of emergency care. It is actually one of the most frequent emergencies in hand surgery. 

This is an injury that the patient needs to treat quickly. The earlier and more effective the care, the more likely it is that the amputated part can be put on again. Therefore, the first step is to call 112.

When calling,  it is crucial to explain the accident and the characteristics of the injury. A clean cut is not the same as a broken limb. Furthermore, the doctor will inform you about which first aid steps you need to take.

1. Stop the bleeding

Once you have contacted a doctor, the first step (which can also be done at the same time as the call) is to stop the bleeding. After an accidental finger amputation, there will usually be heavy bleeding.

One should try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the wound. At the same time, the damaged arm should be raised above heart level. This makes it harder for the blood to run in that direction.

However, specialists do not recommend putting pressure on the area or putting on too tight a bandage. Applying too much pressure to any part of the limb can disrupt blood circulation. This is detrimental to the finger as it can become ischemic and can no longer be saved.

Finger amputations in the workplace are problematic from an insurance point of view and for the patient’s quality of life thereafter. 

2. Make the patient calm down

An article by Dr. Lepoldo Cagigal explains that another basic step is to calm the injured person. An accidental amputation of a finger causes a lot of pain and it can even lead to shock.

This is why  doctors recommend that the person be put down. Ideally, one should raise the feet to avoid dizziness. Specialists also advise keeping the person warm with a blanket or clothes. One should try to talk to them, reassure them and make them feel safe.

There is a tendency to think that it is beneficial to offer alcoholic beverages or food. However, the opposite is true. Doctors recommend that you do not eat or drink anything in case you have to have surgery in the hours after the accident. 

3. Care of the amputated finger

There are many myths around what to do in case of an accidental amputation of a finger. In movies and series, this scene is very common, but many of the actions that occur are not proper procedures.

An article from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons briefly explains what to do. The first thing to do is to clean the wound and preferably with sterile gauze. One should not remove rings or patient clothing. Doctors also advise against rubbing the area.

According to the amputated finger, it should be covered with wet gauze when cleaned. Furthermore  , each part must be stored and it is independent of the size. Once this is done, place the part or parts in a waterproof bag and close it hermetically.

If there are several amputated fingers, they should be placed in separate bags. One should  place the bags in other bags that contain ice. Ideally, one should keep the finger or fingers at a temperature of about 4 degrees Celsius.

Hospital care in case of accidental finger amputation

As we have seen,  it is important to call a doctor in case of an unintentional finger amputation. 

When in the hospital, the primary purpose is to stabilize the patient. The doctor will then examine the stump and finger. Next, the doctor will be able to assess whether the finger can be put on again. 

In any case, doctors administer anesthesia and then heal the wound. The wound must be thoroughly debrided to remove any damaged tissue.

The last step is usually surgery – either to reconstruct the finger or to close the wound. A study published in the Journal of the Andalusian Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics claims that the use of semipermeable cover helps rebuild the finger in a short time.

When is it not advisable to put the amputated finger back on?

There are many reasons why doctors may recommend not putting the amputated finger back on. One of them is if the injury is very complex and the hand is not in a good condition. This applies, for example, if it is broken. Another reason is if the parts have not been stored well.

Physicians also need to consider the patient’s health. There are certain aspects, such as age, smoking habits or diabetes, that have a negative effect on reimplantation of the finger.

Emergency treatment is essential to prevent complications in the amputated finger. The last step is surgery. 

Application after an accidental finger amputation

After the accidental amputation of a finger, there are a number of aspects that need to be considered to assess whether the finger can be put on again or not. According to the Navarra Health Service, the finger should not have been ischemic for more than 6 hours.

Specialists recommend that you try to put your thumb on whenever possible. This is especially true in children. On the other hand, it is more likely that the finger will be reattached if it is a clean cut.

Healing after an accidental finger amputation

After an accidental finger amputation, the healing process can be lengthy. Most people need rehabilitation to maintain hand mobility. It all depends on how the injury was.

However, it is usually necessary to train it regularly. For example, it may be gradual to stretch the finger. To do this, doctors recommend placing your hand on a table and gently lifting each finger. The patient also has to bend it progressively.

It is important to act quickly

In case of an accidental amputation of a finger, it is essential to act quickly. The thing to keep in mind is to stop the bleeding without cutting off the blood circulation. 

One should also try to  store all the parts that have been amputated. You can use clean bags and keep them cool.

However, the most important thing is always to call for help and go to the hospital as soon as possible. 

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