Everything You Should Know About Liver Detox

While the ideal is a permanent improvement in your lifestyle, a detox cure is an effective way to counteract “poisoning.”
Everything you should know about liver detox

A liver detox should help the liver get rid of toxins so that it can function better and prevent diseases. In this article we tell about it.

Liver detox is a popular way to remove toxins that have accumulated in this organ. In short, it is a diet plan that brings together various easily digestible foods that make the liver work better.

As with other forms of detox,  the regimen should only be followed for a few days at a time. It is not a miracle cure, it is somewhat more restrictive than a balanced diet.

Liver detox is recommended for people who have had too much food or alcohol. It is also a good way to  prevent fatty liver and certain allergies that come from poor liver function.

So what does it consist of?

The importance of liver detox

The liver is one of the most important organs for your health. It is not only responsible for cleansing the blood of toxins. It also helps digest fat, regulates metabolism, and the secretion of certain hormones.

Your body may need a liver detox

In fact, the liver is thought to be involved in 500 bodily functions, as it is important for protein synthesis and storage of important vitamins, for example. It also produces cholesterol and is necessary for a well-functioning immune system.

The problem is that  constant exposure to toxins and a sedentary lifestyle can affect its health and ability to function optimally. It can therefore develop inflammatory diseases and disorders that can really affect your quality of life.

Therefore, it is  a good idea to take a liver detox once in a while  so that your liver gets a break. While the ideal is a permanent improvement in your lifestyle, a detox cure is an effective way to counteract “poisoning.”

What does a liver detox cure consist of?

A liver detox cure is a diet plan for the purpose of  rebuilding a healthy liver after slightly too large amounts of toxins have damaged it.

It involves cutting away important foods and therefore you should not do it for more than 5 days.

The best time to start is just before you plan a weight loss.


When you reduce the load on the hepatic system, your metabolism improves. It is also recommended if you experience symptoms such as indigestion, inflammation, and recurrent headaches.

Allowed food

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Herbs and spices
  • Kernels and nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Healthy fats  (olive oil, avocado, cold water fish)
  • Buckwheat and quinoa
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas)

You may also want to read: Cleansing beetroot and carrot smoothie for liver and blood

Prohibited foods

  • Red meat
  • Butter and margarine
  • Meat cold cuts and other processed meat
  • Processed oil (palm oil, soy)
  • Industrially fried food
  • Seed milk products
  • Coffee and other beverages with caffeine
  • Soda
  • Junk food (burgers, pizza, hot dogs)
  • Industrial bread and pastry
  • Canned or canned food
  • Sweets and refined sugar
  • Alcoholic beverages
Avoid alcohol during liver detox

Example of liver detox diet plan

To ease your liver of the overwork that toxins put on it,  it is best to eat a balanced, low-fat, high-calorie diet. But it is also good to go on a special cure at least 3 times a year.

You can follow the example of a liver detox cure described here, for a  maximum of 5 days. Although it helps protect your liver and lose weight, you should not prolong it, as it may actually counteract you.

Suggestions for the start of the morning (without simultaneous food)

  • Warm water with lemon
  • Artichoke extract
  • Extra virgin olive oil with lemon juice

Suggested breakfast

  • Chamomile tea with lemon and wholemeal bread with avocado and seeds
  • Almond milk, a spinach meal, and fresh fruit that are in season
  • Boiled oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon
  • Orange juice with papaya and a vegetarian sandwich
  • A smoothie with vegetarian milk, banana, green apple and green tea

Suggestions for the morning

  • Green tea or herbal tea
  • A handful of nuts
  • Apple or papaya
Eat papaya for the sake of your liver

Suggested breakfast

  • Vegetable soup with brown rice and fried artichoke
  • A salad with radishes, onions, carrots, hummus and fruit
  • A portion of turkey breast, artichoke salad with extra virgin olive oil, wholemeal bread and green tea
  • Lentils with brown rice, a little salmon, and a green apple
  • Vegetable soup with a salad of arugula, iceberg, carrot and avocado

Suggestions for the afternoon

  • Fruit of your choice
  • A handful of unsalted, raw almonds
  • Slices of fresh pineapple and green tea

Suggestions for dinner

Here are suggestions for your liver detox dinner
  • Green salad with extra virgin olive oil, white fish, and slices of pineapple
  • Pumpkin soup with seaweed, brown rice and lime flower tea
  • Carrot soup, brown rice and detox tea of ​​your choice
  • Brown rice with steamed vegetables and fried chicken
  • Green salad, some tuna, and tea

Note: If you suffer from a liver disease, or are on any kind of medication, talk to your doctor before starting this treatment.

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Do you feel like your stomach is bloated and it’s like something’s wrong with your digestion? Is your skin dry or do you have allergies? These are all  signs that your liver has accumulated large amounts of toxins,  so consider a liver detox cure.

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