Chlorophyll: A Fantastic Natural Health Remedy

Chlorophyll is a woman’s best friend as it promotes the production of estrogen, reduces the risk of the formation of cysts on the ovaries and regulates menstruation. It can even help fight in vaginal infections.
Chlorophyll: An amazing natural health remedy

Plant juices can bring some amazing benefits to the human body. When the blood absorbs the green fluid, it will boost the metabolism, help fight disease, produce more cells and much more. Read on here and find out more about the amazing natural health remedy chlorophyll!

The word chlorophyll comes from the Greek word “chloros”, which means light green and “phylon” which means leaf. It was discovered in 1817 by two French chemists. It is the pigment that is found in all plants, and which is vital for them in order for them to survive. Plants need the substance because it is necessary to be able to do photosynthesis, which is the process that converts CO2 into oxygen by “mixing” water and sun. Therefore, all plants have something green in them.

An interesting fact about the substance is that its structure is very similar to the structure that human blood has, in addition to the color (the red color in our blood comes from hemoglobin) and the composition (chlorophyll is a magnesium compound and human blood is an iron compound). That is why many people think of the substance as the blood of the plant.

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Health benefits of chlorophyll

Taking the drug can provide some good health benefits. This “miraculous” substance helps some of the internal organs to function. Here we give you some of the benefits you can get by consuming chlorophyll:

It detoxifies and gives the body oxygen

Eating foods high in chlorophyll on a daily basis will increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and increase the production of red blood cells, giving the heart more oxygenated cells. A greater amount of oxygen in the blood will also help cleanse the body. For example  , it has been proven that it prevents the negative effects of radiation and also helps the body get rid of the heavy metals found in the cells. Maybe Iron Man could have a little chlorophyll to get rid of all the extra metal in his blood! As if this were not enough, it also cleanses the colon and the rest of the intestinal system and protects against diseases such as cancer. It can also improve cholesterol levels as chlorophyll lowers the amount of unhealthy triglycerides.


It promotes the immune system

Bacteria have a hard time surviving in places with a lot of oxygen. As we have already mentioned, chlorophyll supplies the body with lots of oxygen, thus protecting the body from the development of harmful bacteria and pathogens. It is also a powerful neutralizing substance that prevents other types of bacteria from thriving in the body. Anyone with a low immune system should clearly consider adding larger amounts of chlorophyll to his diet to avoid getting sick. It is especially recommended for people suffering from immune diseases such as HIV. It also speeds up the healing process when you have open wounds, making it perfect for people who are undergoing recreation, or for patients who are undergoing invasive treatments, such as chemotherapy and dialysis.

Improves digestion

Chlorophyll is really good for the entire digestive system. It improves the function of the colon, liver, bladder and stomach when ingested. This happens because it breaks down and frees the body of calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, chlorophyll is  perfect for anyone who suffers from gallstones, liver problems, inflamed colon, too much stomach acid,  etc.

Green smoothie

Prevents cancer

Chlorophyll can remove harmful toxins, which are the cause of deadly diseases such as cancer. These waste products can enter the body through food or through contamination. Chlorophyll contains large amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E and is therefore an effective antioxidant and a perfect anti-inflammatory source.

The woman’s best friend

Chlorophyll stimulates the production of the female hormone estrogen, which helps prevent and treat ovarian cysts, blood clots and irregular, very painful or excessive menstruation. It can also relieve vaginal infections.

Treats respiratory problems

We have already mentioned that chlorophyll supplies the cells with oxygen. This makes it the perfect treatment for people who suffer from infections or diseases of the respiratory tract. It is also a good treatment for colds and coughs.

Improves oral health

Chlorophyll can relieve bad breath and provide a fresher breath instead. It can also treat periodontitis, a disease that causes the teeth to fall out.

Peas-with-protein-and-fiber - chlorophyll

What is the best source of chlorophyll?

It is not necessary to start eating all the plants one sees on the way down to the grocery store. Chlorophyll can be found in all green vegetables, so it is super easily accessible and easy to incorporate into your everyday life. To get the most out of the strong green liquid, one should especially eat more of the following:


It will make you stronger than Skipper Horror! Spinach is the vegetable that has the highest content of chlorophyll. It is best to eat it raw or steamed. You can start adding spinach to the salad right away!

Other leafy green

Although spinach is the best source of the drug, one should not forget all the other good leafy greens like leaf beets, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus and celery. Always make sure to eat them raw as much as possible to get the most out of them.

Green tea

Green tea has many properties that are extremely beneficial to health. It contains both chlorophyll and antioxidants. It lowers cholesterol levels and helps with weight loss because it boosts metabolism.

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