Basil As A Natural Remedy Against Mosquitoes

In addition to adding flavor and aroma to the food, basil is also an excellent natural remedy for mosquitoes. In this article we will tell you how to use it as an organic mosquito repellent.
Basil as a natural remedy for mosquitoes

It is not surprising that many of us use basil in cooking to make different dishes. With a recognizable and delicious scent, it is often used in pasta dishes, on pizza and in essential oils. Did you know, however, that you can also use basil as a natural remedy for mosquitoes?

The natural repellent function is one of the many properties that this aromatic herb has and in this article you will learn how to use it at home.

Characteristics of basil

Basil is native to Asia, and over time, people around the world began to cultivate it. Today we know that there are more than 40 different species, of which Ocimum basilicum  or sweet basil is the best known.

It is a perennial herbaceous plant whose leaves are broad and have an intense green color. They can barely grow over 30 cm tall, and the leaves give off the scent. Generally, they produce flowers in summer, and small groups of white and purple flowers emerge.

The plant is known for its high content of essential oil,  which has various medicinal properties. Among these, we note its use in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and urinary tract.

According to a study published in the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy, basil is used in medicine to treat the following:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea and parasitism.
  • Respiratory diseases such as bronchitis.
  • General dermatological problems.
  • Altitude sickness: Because it contains eugenol, it has anticoagulant properties that improve blood circulation.
  • Basil essential oil has antifungal characteristics and works against bacteria and fungus.
Basil is a natural remedy for mosquitoes

Why is basil a natural remedy for mosquitoes?

To understand why this herb repels mosquitoes, it is necessary that we know how these insects find their prey. In addition to being painful, mosquito bites can also involve serious illnesses. As you may know, they can cause dengue and yellow fever through  Aedes aegypti.

This type of insect uses thermal and chemical sensors that allow them to detect their food. Each part of its small body works together to locate their next victim:

  • Its legs notice the difference in temperature between their prey and the surroundings.
  • Its antennas pick up water vapor and carbon dioxide that are present every time we exhale. In addition, our skin releases certain substances such as lactic acid through sweat, which also attacks mosquitoes.

When we use a repellent with chemical substances, what we are really doing is attacking the mosquitoes’ natural sensors. It then causes the mosquito to lose its ability to detect a prey, forcing it to move away in order to recover.

Basil contains four substances that are natural replants: Estragol, citronellol, limonene and trans-nerolidol.

How can we use basil as a natural remedy for mosquitoes?

Basil is a plant that offers us a sustainable, simple and economical way to repel mosquitoes. Simply by placing a small plant in your window sill, on your balcony or in your garden you will reduce the presence of insects, and here we give you some more ways to use them.

To make a natural insect repellent based on basil, we need the following ingredients:

  • 15 ml of water.
  • Basil leaves.
  • 15 ml vodka or 96% alcohol.

Make a tea with the leaves and water, then sift it. Mix the excess liquid with vodka or the alcohol you have chosen to use and put it in a spray bottle. Later, it is sprayed on your plants when needed.

Another alternative would be to buy essential basil oil. In addition to giving scent and moisturizing your skin, it also keeps mosquitoes away. You can also use it to add a pleasant scent to the room.

Close-up of mosquitoes on skin

Basil as a natural remedy against mosquitoes compared to synthetic products

The synthetic products we use as a repellent are not always as effective as we think. For example, studies have shown that only those containing no less than 25% DEET (N, N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) are effective.

As for natural essential oils, when used as insect repellents, we need to keep in mind that they evaporate more easily. It is for this reason that the pharmacist, Dr. Beatriz Badilla, warns that we  need to apply it more often because the effects subside after a short period of time.

Lastly, in addition to natural remedies such as basil, we should take some extra precautions to keep mosquitoes away:

  • Use mosquito nets  in your windows and doors and over cots.
  • Look at the labels of the products you want to use to see if they are synthetic or natural. It should also indicate how long they are effective, as well as what age and type of skin they are recommended for.
  • Shake your nightwear before going to bed  to check for mosquitoes in your bedroom.

We hope that you try these natural remedies against mosquitoes such as basil and that with these recommendations you can keep insects away from your home and your family.

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