An Aloe Vera Treatment To Increase Platelet Count

To increase the effect of this treatment, we suggest that you reduce, or preferably completely avoid, eating processed meats, sausages, dairy products and alcohol.
An aloe vera treatment to increase platelet count

Keeping the platelet count at a high and stable level is essential for good health and to ensure adequate coagulation in case of wounds or bleeding. However, it is not always easy to increase the number of platelets if it is low.

However, certain foods can help, including aloe vera. The aloe vera plant has so many incredible medicinal properties that you should always have it at home.

aloe vera to increase the number of platelets

In today’s article you can read about why it is important to have a high platelet count and how you can use aloe vera to increase platelet count. At the same time, we will share a range of foods that can improve both treatment and health.

A healthy platelet count

Platelets are essential when blood is to clot. When platelet counts are too low, a condition called thrombocytopenia develops. It puts you at increased risk for both external and internal bleeding when you get an injury.

If your platelet count is at the low end but still within the normal range, it’s time to try a treatment like the one we tell you about in today’s article.

We must point out that these types of treatment are  only intended for prevention and at moderately low platelet counts. Even if it is natural, we do not recommend any treatment without the doctor’s approval if the number is below normal or if you suffer from other illnesses or are taking medication.

Aloe Vera, orange and honey to increase platelet count

Orange and honey

This treatment combines the medicinal properties of three different ingredients:

  • Aloe Vera : Aloe vera can be used to treat, pretty much, anything, both externally and internally. The juice from the leaves of this plant is very good for increasing the number of platelets and cleansing the blood at the same time.
  • Orange: Orange juice, like the juice of other citrus fruits, is very rich in vitamin C. This helps boost platelet production. However, it must be completely natural juice without added sugar or other ingredients.
  • Honey: Honey is a natural antibiotic that you should take every day. In this case, it can increase the number of platelets and the production of red blood cells. You should always choose pure, organic honey.


  • 1oo ml Aloe Vera juice
  • 200 ml organic orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey

Course of action

If you have an aloe vera plant at home, you can make the juice yourself.

  • Peel a squash, grate it and put it in the blender with the orange juice. You can also buy aloe vera juice, but be sure it is 100% pure with no additives
  • Blend it together and sweeten with honey

This is how it should be ingested

  • To naturally increase the number of platelets, we suggest that you drink this in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast
  • Repeat the treatment for a minimum of three weeks
  • It is ideal to repeat the process a few times a year to maintain a high platelet count
  • You should also be examined regularly by a doctor

To increase the effect of this treatment, we suggest that you reduce, or preferably completely avoid, eating processed meats, sausages, dairy products and alcohol. It is always preferable to eat organic. And finally, you should be careful about taking aspirin.

Other ways to increase platelet counts

papaya leaves to increase platelet count

In addition to the treatment we have described above, you can also add certain foods to your diet to achieve faster results:

  • Papaya Leaves : The leaves of the papaya tree are amazing when you want to increase the number of platelets. You can blend a piece of this leaf and sweeten it with honey to drown out the bitter taste
  • Green vegetables: Green vegetables are rich in vitamin K, which improves blood clotting. When you eat arugula, broccoli, beetroot, spinach, etc., the platelet count will benefit from it.
  • Coconut water: The liquid from the coconut provides, in addition to liquid, lots of minerals and is very good for your health
  • Garlic: Raw garlic is another good medicinal food which can increase the number of platelets and purify the blood in general. You can blend it in soups or vegetable juices to promote digestion and absorb nutrients.

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