7 Home Exercises To Tighten Your Glutes (gluteus)

In addition to a workout routine, maintaining a balanced diet and drinking at least two liters of water daily if you want to achieve results is crucial.
7 home exercises to tighten your glutes (gluteus)

If you want to get a perfect butt, there are many good workout routines you can perform either inside or outside the gym that can help. In this article, you will learn the most effective exercises to tighten your gluteus muscles to get great results in a matter of weeks. Here are 7 home exercises to tighten your glutes (gluteus)!

A slack butt is an aesthetic problem as it requires a lot of effort and perseverance to improve. With regular exercise you can get the shape you want.

You need to keep in mind before you start your training of the buttocks that your back should always be straight to avoid problems later. The areas you need to work on are the thighs and not the waist.  If you feel tension or pain in the lower back or hips, then it means that you are doing the exercise incorrectly. Correct your position and start over.

Even if you really want to have firm buttocks, do not neglect the back or injure it. The exercises can be performed both in the gym and in your living room. What is important is that you are strict with the routine, that you repeat the exercises at least three times a week and eat a healthy diet. Because you will not accomplish anything despite your great efforts if you just eat anything afterwards. And do not forget to drink at least two liters of water a day, whether you are doing the exercise.

Buttocks being measured

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles: Sit on your hips

These are without a doubt the most well-known exercises for buttocks, thighs and legs. These should be included in any exercise. You can do them in a variety of ways, using a barbell, a dumbbell or just with the body weight to do resistance. While standing up, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. If you use dumbbells, they can be on the side of your body (one in each hand) or with your arms outstretched on your sides (to shoulder height). If you are using a barbell, put put it behind your head and hold it on your shoulders. Bend your knees so that your body lowers. Try to keep your thighs parallel to the floor and use an imaginary line from your knees to your toes to try to keep your knees within distance of your toes. Hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position. The movement must be slow and deliberate.

Woman doing squat with kettlebell

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles:  Half squat or lunge

This is one of the simplest variants of the previous exercise. The position is the same and you can also use your body, a barbell or dumbbells as resistance. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Instead of lowering yourself to the floor, all you have to do is take one step forward with one foot as far as you can without losing your balance.  Keep your shoulders over your hips. The leg that is now behind you should bend at the knee toward the floor until it touches the floor. The front knee should not cross the toe line. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg. Repeat the exercise first with one leg, then the other, and make sure to do the same number of exercises with each leg.

Woman doing lunges

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles:  Hip stretch

Lie face down on an exercise bench (or you can do it on your bed). The hips should be at the far end with the feet hanging down. Lift both legs at the same time using the muscles in the thighs and buttocks.  Keep them level with your hips. Hold this position, then switch over just as you kick for swimming, but in the air. When one leg is close to the chest, the other is level with the hips, they meet in the middle of the movement.

Woman doing abdominal exercise

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles:  Lift

Stand in front of a bench or chair that is both durable and sufficiently high and place one leg on it with your knee at a 90 degree angle. Place your right foot on the bench and lift your body using the strength of the muscles in your thighs and buttocks.  Stretch as much as possible. The idea is to stretch the leg completely. The left leg should not touch the bench or chair, but you can stand on your toes. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower yourself. Repeat this five times with this leg before switching to the other.

Woman doing stair exercise

Exercises to tighten your buttocks muscles:  Squeeze your buttocks together

Place your knees, elbows and forearms on the floor. Keep your knees level with your hips. The elbows are on in a straight line with your shoulders. You should tighten your stomach and adjust your back well.  Now lift your left leg until the knee is at hip height, bent. Squeeze your buttocks together for three seconds and then lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat this 15 times before switching to the other leg.

Woman who is on all 4

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles:  Kick

Start this exercise in the same position as the one above, placing your elbows, knees and forearms on the floor. Tighten your abdomen and lift your right leg up to the hip, bending the knee. Kick is done both upwards (as if the sole of the foot touches the ceiling or backwards, stretch the leg until it is straight.  In both cases, hold the position for a few seconds. Repeat this 8 times and then switch to the other leg. To give the exercise more resistance, you can use some ankle weights.

Woman who is on all 4 with one leg raised

Exercises to tighten your gluteal muscles:  Pelvic lift

Lie on your back on a mat and place your soles of your feet on the floor, bending your knees. Place your arms in to the side of your body. Lift the pelvis to the ceiling, squeezing with the buttocks or thighs. The back should remain diagonal to the floor.  Hold the position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position without touching the mat with your buttocks. Repeat this 10 times, relax and start again. A variant of this exercise is to place a round weight on the abdomen.

Woman doing pelvic floor

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