The Scientifically Substantiated Benefits Of Tarragon

Tarragon has been used in herbal medicine to help with sleep and some ailments. Here we will show you some scientific benefits of tarragon.
The scientifically substantiated benefits of tarragon

People have been documenting the various benefits of tarragon for hundreds of years.

It is a medicinal plant whose scientific name is Artemisia dracunculus L and it is in the same family as sunflowers. It is also famous for its interesting culinary application. Specifically, it is usually used to flavor dishes with fish, meat, asparagus and other foods.

Some people call it drageurt, but it is important not to confuse it with Artemisia vulgaris , as they are very different. Tarragon is even used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry because of its interesting properties.

Want to know more about it?

Nutritional properties of tarragon

Many of the benefits of tarragon are nutritional. Approx. two tablespoons of fresh raw tarragon contains just five calories. In ground form it contains approx. 14 calories, one gram of protein, less than one gram of fat and 2.5 grams of carbohydrates.

According to a statement from the United States Department of Agriculture ‘s food database, tarragon provides i.a. following:

  • Vitamins A and C: 4% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Vitamin B6: 6% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Folic acid : 3% of the recommended daily dose.
  • Calcium: 54 mg.
  • Iron: 1.5 mg.
  • Magnesium: 16.5 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 14.9 mg.
  • Potassium : 143 mg.
  • In addition, it contains small amounts of sodium, zinc, manganese and selenium.

The main benefits of tarragon

Person checks his blood sugar

Tarragon is often used to prepare food and beverages. But tarragon extract is also common in cosmetic and medicinal products. However, there is no evidence that tarragon can be used as a first-line treatment for diseases.

It is therefore important to keep in mind that although science supports many of its uses, it should not replace the treatments prescribed by the doctor. In fact, it is best to talk to a professional before taking it, just to be on the safe side. What are its main uses? We will explain more below.

Benefits of tarragon: It helps regulate glucose levels

Scientific studies have established that tarragon has positive effects on glucose control and the way the body uses insulin. In particular, research published in the journal Phytomedicine found that tarragon extract can help to reduce blood sugar levels by up to 20%.

Also, a randomized double-blind study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that 1,000 mg of tarragon before breakfast and dinner can help control overall insulin release, helping you balance blood sugar levels.

It helps improve sleep

Poor sleep quality can cause health problems in the short, medium and long term. During the rest period , the body performs processes that are important for the whole body to function. However, many factors can affect it.

Fortunately, supplements like tarragon can improve it. According to a study published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine , this plant appears to have a calming effect that helps regulate sleep patterns. However, more documentation is needed.

Benefits of tarragon

One of the most prominent benefits of tarragon has to do with pain relief.
Although it is not a first-line treatment to relieve pain, it does seem to help reduce it temporarily. A study published in the medical journal Clinical Rheumatology suggests this.

According to this study, people who took 150 mg of tarragon a day had a significant improvement in pain from arthritis compared to the people who took 300 mg a day and the placebo group. The researchers concluded that the lower dose worked better because the body tolerated it better.

In another study published in Pharmaceutical Biology  , they found similar results. Tarragon showed antinociceptive activity and positive effects against various painful conditions.

Wild tarragon

What other benefits are there to tarragon?

  • The food industry uses essential tarragon oil to preserve food without the use of synthetic chemicals. In this regard, a study published in the Iranian Journal of Microbiology has found that this product can help fight bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in foods such as cheese.
  • In patients with decreased appetite, tarragon extract can help. A 2011 study showed that this plant combined with a high-fat diet helps increase appetite by reducing the level of leptin, known as the satiety hormone.
  • Preliminary studies describe that the use of Russian tarragon may have a positive impact on athletic performance. However, more evidence is still needed to confirm this.

That’s for sure, but you have to be careful

Most of the time, tarragon is safe and has no risk of side effects. However, the recommendation is to avoid using it too much or for too long. You must also not rule out possible drug interactions. That is why it is always important to talk to your doctor.

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