10 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Red Wine

Red wine helps cleanse the blood, prevents blood clots and protects the tissue around the large blood vessels.
10 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Red Wine

A glass of red wine a day can do very good for your health.  Keep in mind, however, that wine is best in moderate amounts. A single daily glass of this natural and delicious elixir is a great addition to your food and can significantly improve your well-being. In today’s article, we will take a closer look at how it works.

The benefits of red wine


1. Red wine helps you lose weight

Did you know that  red wine has a very special property? It activates a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells. As if that were not enough, red wine also stimulates the body’s natural detox, which slowly helps remove fat. Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have confirmed this effect and their results have been published several times.

In order to see results on your body, however, one should not drink more than one glass of wine a day. Use the image above as a reference: never fill the glass all the way to the top, but stop around the place where the wine glass is “thickest.” Of course, the results will also be much clearer if you combine a glass of wine with a healthy and balanced diet with low fat.

2. Improves your brain

Drinking red wine is a great way to improve your cognitive processes. How can it be? Many studies have shown that by drinking wine regularly and in moderation, one can ward off dementia and degenerative diseases of the brain.

Red wine can reduce inflammation, prevent atherosclerosis and inhibit coagulation of the blood, which increases blood flow in the body. It’s a regular panacea!


Treats gum infection

If you are one of those people who experience that your gums bleed, drink a glass of red wine with the food. Grapes contain some compounds that appear when the wine ferments. These compounds help prevent the growth of streptococci and other bacteria associated with dental problems. In addition, it is also very effective against gingivitis and even against common sore throat.

4. Fights fatigue.

This point is very interesting, right? According to a study published in the Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), the substance  resveratrol, found in the peel of red grapes, can raise energy levels on days when you just feel apathetic and more tired than usual. . It’s worth keeping in mind!

5. Releases endorphins

Always remember to drink this healthy and delicious drink in moderation. Doing so releases endorphins in the body, allowing you to relax and enjoy the moment even more. This study was conducted at the University of California. Do not forget to combine wine with certain foods and recipes that can further enhance the taste and enjoyment of your meal.


6. Cleanses your palate

Due to its astringent properties, a glass of red wine with the food can make you experience the different tastes more intensely. It can reduce the taste of fat when eating dishes with meat and it makes the mouth feel cleaner.  This is definitely something that one should take into consideration. Maybe it will make you more excited to add a glass of wine to your lunch or  dinner.

7. Reduces cholesterol levels

As you probably know, red wine is rich in polyphenols, and one of them is the famous resveratrol which we mentioned earlier in the article and which is  full of antioxidants.  According to the Mayo Clinic, this drug helps nourish the body’s blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots. It also helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol

8. Good for the heart

In addition to the polyphenols that we mentioned above, red wine also contains good vitamin E, which helps remove blood clots, prevents them from forming and  protects the tissue around your blood vessels. So a simple glass of red wine can significantly improve your cardiovascular health.

Red wine

9. Reduces the risk of getting cancer

Red wine is a great antioxidant. This natural resource is able to block the growth of the cells that are responsible for breast and lung cancer. One of the best properties of red wine is precisely the effect of the drug revastratol, which intervenes when women’s estrogen levels are raised or cancer occurs.

10. Fights urinary tract infections

Red wine’s content of antioxidants and the previously described astringent properties also prevent bacteria from “sticking” to your bladder and kidneys. They also optimize the filtration and detoxification of these organs. So, as mentioned several times in this article, one should drink a glass of red wine a day to take advantage of all these good, important properties. You’re not going to miss that, are you?

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