Fight Barley Grains With This Natural Medicine

You should never try to remove barley grains because it can spread infection to the rest of the eye. Apply heat to relieve symptoms and improve the condition.
Fight barley grains with this natural remedy

Barley grains are swellings that form on the eyelids, often as a result of inflammation of a sebaceous gland. This small, red pimple on the base of the eyelash is really uncomfortable and in most cases difficult to remove. Fight barley grains with these natural remedies that you can find in your own home!

This often happens when the sebaceous glands on the eyelid become blocked and promote the growth of bacteria. It looks like physically ordinary acne, but the affected area is really uncomfortable and ugly.

In most cases, it is the result of poor hygiene  such as touching the eyes with dirty hands or failure to clean glasses. If this is the trigger, it is likely to be infected with staphylococcal bacteria.

But less frequently, the minor inflammation occurs as a symptom of:

  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Allergies
  • Thyroid problems
  • Chronic eye inflammation

Removal of this condition usually takes several days and occurs spontaneously.  Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies that can help you treat it, reduce inflammation and relieve discomfort.

Fight barley grains with hot compress

Applying warm compresses is a good remedy to reduce inflammation in the affected area.

The heat should be used as a hot water compress and should be repeated several times a day for best results.

Some people think that using a cold compress has a similar effect, but by using heat, you promote the healing process.


fight barley grains with chamomile

This plant contains anti-inflammatory and refreshing compounds that can help reduce barley grains  and the irritation it causes.

Add a few teaspoons of chamomile flowers to a cup of warm water, allow to cool and then smear it with a clean cloth on the affected area.


The juice from a sliced ​​potato can be really useful for treating a barley grain.

Cut a  potato  into slices and place it in the fridge. When it is cold, it is placed on the irritated eyelids to reduce inflammation.

Fight barley grains with aloe vera


The juice of this plant contains antibacterial compounds that can fight staphylococci  and promote the healing process.

To take advantage of its benefits, the gel is extracted from a stalk of  aloe vera  and dipped a cotton ball into it. Spread it directly on the small barley grain.


Horseradish possesses astringent and healing properties that can remove the bacteria that cause barley grains.

Make a cup of tea with two teaspoons. dried plant and half a liter of water. Dip a cotton ball into the tea and apply butter to the affected area.



Use of this plant can help speed up the healing process as well as reduce the discomfort associated with inflammation.

Boil a kale leaf in a saucepan of water, let it cool. After cooling, apply on closed eye for 10 minutes. Repeat 3 times daily.

Fight barley grains with carrots

Hot carrot pulp can also be really helpful in removing a barley grain and relieving its unpleasant symptoms.

Just boil a liter of water and add 150 grams of rice. Let the carrots cook for 20 minutes until soft, then smear it on the closed eye and let it work for 10 minutes.


Under no circumstances should you try to puncture the barley grain as you would with a pimple  as it could spread the infection to the rest of the eye. It is best to wait for it to diminish by itself.

Since barley grains are contagious,  you should not share towels, makeup, or other items that could transmit the bacteria to another person.  It is best to use paper towels and avoid products that may aggravate the irritation.

If the condition worsens and does not go away on its own in a few days, you should contact your doctor.

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