Some Things Happen For A Reason, While Others Do Not

When things happen unexpectedly or not after fate, it is often because you have tried to climb them, by trying too hard to make it happen or have not waited for the right moment.
Some things happen for a reason while others do not

Sometimes things happen for a reason. Because you have pursued them, because you have devoted your whole life to this long-awaited achievement and fate has finally smiled at you. By allowing you to achieve this dream.

Some things happen for a reason while others do not

On the other side of this coin, there are all the other things that are not going to happen. Because the timing is not right, because the situation was not ripe, or because luck — perhaps misfortune — kept you from getting what you wanted.

It’s amazing how life always maintains this strange balance. Where everything goes as planned sometimes, and other times it seems to be the exact opposite.

You hope for so much on a daily basis that it sometimes feels like nothing is moving forward. Nothing comes your way and that fate has forgotten you. It’s time to look at things from a different perspective.

You are responsible for your own existence, and if you want something, you should go out and look for it. Fate and happiness may accompany you once in a while, but it is yourself, your attitude, and your own determination that will pave the way for your life.

We invite you to reflect on this.

Things happen for a reason

No doubt you have been in this situation: a colleague, a neighbor or a friend gives you a comment about how lucky you are in life and how well it is going for you.

You simply answer that instead of being “lucky”, it is actually your “daily effort and will.” Because not everything happens without knowing why and most of the time, it is you who makes things happen thanks to your own dedication.

Trees in the wind

Some things happen for a reason: Misfortune and luck

Is there such a thing as luck and misfortune? Like everything in the world, there is a small percentage who are susceptible to random or uncontrollable things that will always escape your will.

You can not avoid contracting certain diseases or being involved in an accident. Nor can you “control” the reactions or desires of the people around you.

  • Luck and misfortune actually exist, but in small doses that you have to accept and understand. With that said, everything else that happens around you is something that you are able to control.
  • But what happens on many occasions is that you are not fully aware of your ability to control and choose this.
  • Psychologists say there is a “center of internal or external control.” People with an external center of control are those who attribute everything to coincidences or other people’s will, no matter what happens to them.
  • They experience a sense of helplessness, where when something goes wrong or they fail, it is always due to external factors and never their own fault.
  • This is not enough. These people need to learn to develop their internal control, where they see themselves as responsible for their own lives.

Only then can you learn from your mistakes and understand. There are lots of good things that come your way because you deserve them.

Woman and flower

Things happen for a reason, but this is not always the case

Everyone wants to find happiness, but what if they can not? Is there an invisible, negative force that prevents it? Without a doubt, accident has some very concrete origins that you need to know how to identify.

If something does not happen, there is always a reason. Maybe there are certain factors that you need to learn to face and make it something that is in your favor.


Fear is the primary cause of dissatisfaction and the biggest reason why you miss the opportunity for “something to happen,” which is new, good, or enriching.

  • Fear cuts your wings and prevents you from reacting; moreover, do not forget that a person who is afraid of something leaves it in the hands of others. This is what triggers the center of external control that we talked about earlier.


  • Everyone has experienced indecision at some point. It is the terrible attitude that prevents you from acting and preventing things from happening around you.
  • Life has become little by little just a movie played out the window where you will never be the main character.

If you have reached this point in your life where you feel as if nothing has happened, nothing has changed and nothing is going to happen. Then it’s time to dump her and move on.

Woman and butterflies

The danger of waiting too long

When you wait for something too long, you can lose your hopes and dreams. Your train will pass you and you will find that you have lost everything.

Happiness is not what you expect to happen, like a sunrise; Happiness is created and felt and you have to give happiness shape from within yourself. It’s time to stop waiting.

Get rid of your fears, remove your insecurities, stay away from people who want you to adapt to their will and stay where you are. Being healthy means being on the move to get away from your routine and comfort zone. You must dare to make your dreams come true.

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