Discover The Amazing Water Therapy For Weight Loss

Is it possible to lose weight without effort, without pain and without dying of hunger? Of course! With water therapy, you cleanse your body of excess toxins and get a feeling of satiety.
Discover the amazing water therapy for weight loss

How about throwing away the extra pounds? Do you find it difficult? Are you getting tired of trying one diet after another? Discover the amazing water therapy for weight loss in this article.

It is actually very common that after the first few attempts you will be disappointed with your results. After a few weeks, you may also find that you no longer see any effects as your body has gradually adapted to the changes.

Whether you are looking for new methods or something easier, you should consider water therapy for weight loss.

Have you ever heard of it? If not, or if you want to know more, continue reading as we give you an overview of hydrotherapy here.

You will find that it has many benefits and is very manageable. In addition, you do not have to make serious changes or push yourself to the extreme.

Where does water therapy for weight loss come from?

Although water therapy has gradually become more well-known in the Western world, it is already widespread in Japan.

In Japan it is used to cleanse the stomach and improve the digestive system. In addition, the Japanese have found that the form of therapy provides more energy and it also helps you lose weight.

Traditionally, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water for the first few minutes after getting up.

In Japan, the first few hours in the morning are known as the “golden hours”. The Japanese believe that drinking water at this time of day will improve the function and health of your digestive system in general.

What is water therapy?

Woman drinking water

Although the name of this form of therapy may sound complicated or give the impression that it is very restrictive, it is actually the opposite.

Water therapy has some very specific rules and steps that are affordable to follow. These are:

  • Drink between  400-600 milliliters of water right after you wake up. It is important to do this on an empty stomach. In total, this amount of water is between 4-6 glasses of water. On the slightly colder mornings, it is best that the water is warm or at room temperature. If you want a little flavor, you can add a little lemon juice – but no sweeteners.
  • Brush teeth and wait between 45 minutes to an hour before eating anything. You do not have to worry if you wake up and feel really hungry. The amount of water you drink will give you a feeling of satiety and you will be able to easily wait at least 45 minutes to eat the first meal.
  • Eat a light breakfast. However, it should be a complete breakfast that gives you plenty of nourishment. It is important that you start your day right and eat high quality organic foods. Avoid processed foods, meats and fats. Good alternatives are smoothies or salads, although a combination of oatmeal, nuts and milk is also a good choice.
  • The rest of your meals should be light, otherwise the water therapy will not work properly.
  • You should avoid drinking fluids two hours after eating. However, you can still consume two liters of water a day, as is generally recommended.

General recommendations for water therapy for wall loss

Woman drinking water
  • You can add a pinch of salt to the water to make your body hydration more supple. However, you should consider this carefully if salt is generally a problem for your health. So if your doctor has told you to reduce your sodium intake, you should completely avoid this trick. You will find that your body will naturally absorb all the water it needs.
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol or irritants of any kind. Since water therapy aims to make your body healthier, it will be more exposed to the harmful effects that these drinks cause. To make sure your body is not harmed, completely avoid these drinks for a while. If you want a little drink with flavor, it is recommended that you choose green smoothies or natural fruit juices, but always in small amounts.

If you suffer from a medical condition where you are required to be alert and in control of your body, you should only try this therapy after talking to your doctor.

Did you know about this therapy before? Have you tried it? Was it effective for you?

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