Strengthen Your Bone Health With 8 Calcium Rich Foods

In addition to including these calcium-rich foods in your diet, do not forget that vitamin D is essential for your bones to absorb calcium properly.
Strengthen your bone health with 8 calcium rich foods

Your skeleton is a complex structure connected by ligaments, tendons and cartilage. It participates in several important functions in the body and bone health is therefore important. The main task is to provide support and mobility to the body so that it can perform countless activities.

In addition, it also plays a role in the production of red and white blood cells and the storage of a significant number of nutrients.

However, it is exposed to a large number of factors that can impair it. As a result, we may experience disorders and diseases that are difficult to treat due to their complexity. Plus, they affect our quality of life.

The good news is that these conditions can be prevented by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and increasing the intake of certain foods that help strengthen the bones.

Since many people are interested in this topic, today we will dedicate our blog to 8 calcium-rich foods that provide better bone health.

Discover them!

Eat eggs for better bone health


Eggs are one of the best foods for maintaining good bone health. Apart from vitamins and minerals, they also contain essential amino acids.

The plum contains a significant amount of calcium, which helps maintain bone density.

However , the greatest concentration of this mineral is found in the shells. Although not as pleasant to eat, you can grind them and add them to many recipes.

2. Spinach

This green vegetable is not only an important source of antioxidants. In addition, it is also one of the most calcium-rich vegetables.

Each 100 g of fresh spinach (about 3 cups) contributes 210 mg of calcium. However, this amount can be reduced to approx. 158 mg after reconstitution.

The best option is to include it raw in smoothies and salads to fully enjoy its properties.

3. Fish


Oil fish is a very complete food to strengthen your bones because they contain calcium and vitamin D.

These essential nutrients are the key to maintaining bone density and preventing premature deterioration of ligaments and tendons.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that they are one of the main sources of omega 3 fatty acids. This is a form of healthy fat that fights inflammation and premature aging.

The best varieties include:

  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • Herring
  • Cod
  • Tuna

4. Soy milk

Soy milk is one of the vegetable milk that has become known as a healthy alternative to cow’s milk.

It contains essential fatty acids, proteins and dietary fiber. Together, these offer a wide range of health benefits.

It also contains a significant concentration of calcium, which your body actually absorbs more easily thanks to the phytoestrogen content of soy milk.

It is one of the most recommended foods for women going through menopause because it helps control the symptoms and prevents the loss of bone density.

5. Onions

Onions are a calorie-dense food that has been recommended for decades as an ally for whole-body health.

They contain vitamins, oligo-elements and amino acids, which help to strengthen bone and joint health.

Their calcium content, as well as antioxidants, help prevent premature deterioration of the bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


In addition, chickpeas are low in calories, providing between 130 and 134 mg of calcium for every 100 g (half a cup).

Including them in a balanced diet strengthens your bones and reduces your risk of inflammatory problems.

7. Ost

As a dairy product, cheese is a significant source of calcium. It can help strengthen the skeletal system and prevent it from deteriorating prematurely.

However, it is also rich in fat and calories, so it is not advisable to eat cheese excessively or often.

8. Yogurt

Natural yogurt is a food that provides us with significant amounts of vitamin D and calcium. These are two essential nutrients for bone health.

A serving of fat-free yogurt can provide up to 30% calcium. In addition to this, it also provides probiotics. This means that it is also ideal for balancing the bacterial flora of the gut.

Are you worried about your bone health? Include these foods in your diet regularly and give your body a boost of nutrients to protect your bones.

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