Incredible Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Skin Blemishes

Yogurt disinfects and softens the pores, cucumbers are rich in vitamin E, and tomatoes contain lycopene. All of these ingredients are good for your skin care.
Incredible natural ways to get rid of skin blemishes

Sometimes skin blemishes can be irritating and unappealing. In this article, we give you some incredible natural ways to get rid of skin blemishes.

With the following incredible natural methods, you can quickly get rid of them.

Pay attention to them and try them!

1. Rice flour cream for skin blemishes


This first method uses a cream made from rice flour.


  • 3 tbsp. rice flour
  • 4 tbsp. shea butter
  • 2 tbsp. Orange juice
  • Optional: ½ tbsp. hydrogen peroxide 5%


Mix the rice flour with the hydrogen peroxide until you get a smooth paste. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until well incorporated into the pasta.

Instructions for use

The first thing you need to do now that you have made the cream is to apply it evenly over the areas where you have skin blemishes. For example, if the stains are on your arm, apply the cream all over your arm.

Let it work for 30 minutes. Rinse with plenty of water, then dry yourself and moisten with a moisturizer. Repeat this once or twice a week.

2. Orange and Lemon cream


  • 3 tbsp. Orange juice
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp. sugar


Put all the ingredients except the lemon in a bowl and mix them well. Then cut the lemon in half, put it in the mixture and leave it there for a few minutes.

Instructions for use

Take a little of the mixture and spread it over the area you want to clean. Let it work for 5 minutes, then wash the area well with water and dry after.

Moisturize your skin with a little moisturizer and repeat these steps twice a week.

3. Milk and horseradish

Milk and horseradish

By mixing ingredients like milk and horseradish, you end up with the perfect product for your skin. For example , this can be used to treat skin blemishes due to a change in the pigmentation of the skin.

To do this, mix milk and horseradish. Put the solution on a cotton ball, dip it and apply it over the areas where you have marks and stains.

To make sure it works well, let it work all night and rinse it off the next day.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt can also be one of the best ingredients to naturally get rid of marks on your skin. It has the ability to clean, disinfect and soften your pores.

All this helps in the regeneration and keeps your skin hydrated. To apply it, just use it like any other face mask.

First, wash your face, wipe it gently, and spread yogurt over your face with your fingers. Let it work for 15 to 20 minutes and remove it with warm water.

Do this regularly and you will be sure to notice that your skin gradually improves.

5. Cucumber

Cucumber on the eyes - get rid of skin blemishes

Cucumber is another great ingredient for skin care. It has a high water content and contains vitamin E and many natural oils.

If you use it as a face mask, you will find that it is great for softening the skin and getting rid of blemishes and wrinkles.

All you have to do is peel it, remove the seeds and blend it until it forms a paste. Apply it on your face, let it work for 20 minutes and your skin will feel like new.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another great ingredient to take care of your skin. The juice contains a large amount of important nutrients that are good for the skin, such as vitamins A, C and proteins.

They are also rich in lycopene, which counteracts the effect of free radicals.

To use it, simply mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with tomato juice and apply it using a little cotton wool. You will be sure to notice the difference.

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