Are You Going To Bark A Baby After Breastfeeding?

Burping the baby is one of the techniques that all new parents learn to help their newborn get rid of flatulence. If you are a beginner, the information in this article will be very helpful.
Do you need to bark a baby after breastfeeding?

Proper nutrition for a baby is one of the biggest concerns for new parents. It is difficult in the beginning due to difficulties that they do not know how to deal with, e.g. belching and flatulence. During the first six months of life, babies actually constantly build up air in their stomachs, and it can often help to burp a baby off.

But often the problem persists and this is where concerns arise about how to deal with it. What causes flatulence in babies? Is it possible that they have a medical problem or an illness? Does it really help to burp a baby?

What causes flatulence in babies?

Baby breastfeeding

The first thing you need to know is that flatulence in babies is inevitable. It is something that happens because of their eating behaviors in the first weeks of life and their internal organs under development. Inflammation of the stomach occurs in most cases by the following:

  • Their digestive system is still developing: By the end of pregnancy, the baby’s digestive system is not yet fully developed. Although the times vary, it begins to mature around the age of six months and is not fully matured until the baby is five years old. This means that problems such as flatulence and acid regurgitation are normal.
  • Babies swallow air, either when crying, or by swallowing too fast when given food (especially with a bottle). It is normal for newborns to swallow air, although it unfortunately has consequences such as. air in the stomach. As your baby grows, the amount of air that accidentally reaches the abdomen decreases.
  • Some common stomach problems are constipation, gastroesophageal reflux and colic. Digestive disorders are very common in the first year of life, so parents should learn to deal with them with the help of their pediatrician.
  • Hypersensitivity or allergy: Mainly to some component of breast milk substitute. Allergies are less common than hypersensitivity, as the latter is related to the developmental stage of the digestive system.

These are the four main causes of flatulence in infants. Of course there are others as well, e.g. poor posture during breastfeeding and irregular diet during the first few breastfeeds.

Mother’s diet

Although many parents believe otherwise, it is not believed that the mother’s food is a trigger for this or similar problems.

Mothers often restrict certain foods for no reason, especially spicy, sour or very cold foods. However, researchers have shown that such restrictions have no benefits, and unless recommended by a pediatrician, they are unlikely to help.

Signs that your baby may have flatulence

Many symptoms can tell you that your baby may have flatulence. Remember that it is natural and unavoidable, so there is no need to be upset if you notice these symptoms regularly. Some of these are:

  • Crying and signs of discomfort: Crying is the only method of communication that babies have to express their feelings. If they cry immediately after getting food and this is accompanied by signs of discomfort, they may have flatulence.
  • Excessive flatulence: Although flatulence is normal in babies, it is a symptom of air in the digestive system if it happens a lot after breastfeeding. To relieve the pressure, their body tries to expel some of it through flatulence.
  • Sleep or eating problems: Sleep problems can actually be a sign of many conditions, and the same goes for eating problems. However, if these occur in specific contexts and along with other symptoms, they most likely point to the same condition.
  • The baby twists and shows signs of pain and also tries to bring the legs up towards the chest. He or she may also become irritable and generally appear uncomfortable. Flatulence causes a feeling of discomfort that leads to all these symptoms.

You may also notice a slight swelling in the abdominal area and that your baby very often vomits. These signs do not always mean that there is an excessive accumulation of gas, as most of them occur naturally, even when there is no underlying problem.

The best way to rule out other conditions is by asking your pediatrician.

Here’s how to put one together for use with your baby

There is no scientific evidence that barking a baby significantly reduces colic or regurgitation. This was confirmed by a 2014 study with two control groups.

Although there is not much evidence in the medical literature, there is also no evidence that these methods are harmful to babies’ health.

This is because flatulence, colic and regurgitation are normal problems in the first months of life, whether they burp or not. However, evidence from many mothers shows that barking a baby off helps to calm them down and also helps them sleep better and reduces irritability.

This means that it is a good idea, especially if the above symptoms are very noticeable. With this in mind, here are some techniques for barking a baby that you can use during and after each feeding:

You can burp a baby by standing with a cloth diaper on your shoulder

This is the classic position to burp a baby off after feeding. You get up and place the baby’s chin on your shoulder. It is possible that some milk may come out from under the burp, so it is advisable to use a cloth to avoid staining your clothes. When you are in this position, do the following:

  1. Gently pat your child on the back. Do this from the bottom up to help the air move upwards.
  2. To achieve this, you can pat their lower back three or four times and then move upward inch by inch until you reach the chest.
  3. To calm your child , try walking and rocking.

There is no standard time to burp a baby off. Do this until you notice that they stop barking, and also try in the middle of feeding if the baby shows some of the signs of air accumulation. Make sure their body is in an upright position to help the belly out.

You can burp a baby off in an upright position

This technique is more comfortable if you want to rest. You can burp a baby off on a chair; a rocking chair will help soothe the baby if it feels discomfort during the process. With this technique, do the following:

  1. Put the baby in your lap and place your palm on its chest. Tilt your baby’s body slightly forward so that your hand supports part of its weight.
  2. With the other hand, gently pat your baby’s back with the other hand. Use the above method with movements from the lower back and upwards.
  3. Be careful not to lose control of your baby’s body or let your hand slide up your neck. Do this until two or three minutes have passed without any burping.

If you can not find a comfortable position, try putting your child on your knees or on a horizontal surface (such as a bed). Be patient if nothing happens in the beginning. It takes a few minutes before the burp moves up and out.

Lying on your lap

If the above techniques do not work, try placing your baby on your stomach on your lap. You should go for a 30-degree angle instead of a horizontal position. The best way to achieve this is by following these steps:

  1. Place the baby on your lap and tilt forward, achieving this 30-degree angle.
  2. Make sure the baby’s head is always higher than the chest. This way you avoid problems if they vomit up some milk or food. If necessary, you can support their head with your hand.
  3. Gently pat them on the back. Stop only when you are sure that the movements do not produce more burps.

The downside of this position is that it is harder to know how often the burps come. In the first position, the baby’s mouth is very close to your ear, so you know if the clapping has an effect. We recommend trying the positions in the presented order, as they are sorted by efficiency.

How can you help your baby with this problem?

Woman is about to burp a baby off

Barking your baby off is not the only thing you can try to minimize this problem. Below we show you some other tricks that you can try without the big effort.

Remember, all these tricks are just suggestions. A qualified pediatrician may recommend alternative treatments based on a more accurate diagnosis. Still, it may be a good idea to try the following:

Consider switching breast milk substitutes if it does not help to bark a baby off

Many times, bloating, reflux, constipation, and colic in babies are related to the type of infant formula they receive. With the approval of your pediatrician, you can try using another product.

The use of certain probiotics such as lactobacillus reuteri may reduce the incidence of the above symptoms, as demonstrated in a two-year clinical trial of 589 infants.

According to a study, the use of lactose-free milk protein thickened with certain compounds has also been shown to be effective in preventing episodes of acid regurgitation. Never change breast milk substitute without first consulting your pediatrician. The doctor is the only one who can confirm that you should switch away from the one you are currently using.

Get help from a breastfeeding consultant

There is a link between some gastrointestinal disorders, such as colic and flatulence, and breastfeeding effectiveness, according to a study published in 2018.

Small details such as frequency, angle, posture and attitude can damage the baby’s body. A qualified counselor can advise on how to improve breastfeeding.

Do not be afraid to seek professional help to breastfeed your baby. Professionals are trained to guide you in accordance with your pediatrician’s advice and experience.

Massage your baby’s tummy

This is a more fun alternative to burping a baby off and helping it relax despite the effects of gases. You can do it with or without special oils and also use it as a way to bond with your child. Do it clockwise, carefully, and try to guide the belly all the way out.

You can also use infant massage on other areas of your child’s body, e.g. on arms, legs and shoulders. In this way, you reduce irritability due to air in the stomach and at the same time create quiet moments.

Make cycling movements with your legs

This is another technique you can use when you burp your child off. There are several ways to do this, but the following are the most effective:

  1. Lay your child flat on his back.
  2. Take your baby’s legs and make a cycling motion. Make sure to do it slowly and that the circle is as large as the leg can reach.
  3. An alternative to the cycling movement is to stretch their legs out and then bring them into a bent position up to the chest. Hold them there for ten seconds and then repeat.
  4. Do this for 5-10 minutes two or three times a day.

This little trick is also helpful in relieving constipation in infants. Other things you can try is to replace the pacifier on the bottle with an anti-air pacifier and to be aware of your child’s behavior when he or she starts eating real food.

When should you go to the doctor?

If symptoms persist after six months, it is best to consult a specialist for a more accurate diagnosis. Allergies or intolerances to certain foods can trigger episodes of this type, and these are conditions that require specific treatment.

Of course, if you are consistent with visits to the pediatrician during the first months of life, it is likely that any problems like this will be detected early. Therefore , it is important to adhere to all appointments with your pediatrician. You should consider them important for your child’s health.

If worse symptoms occur, e.g. blood in the stool or fever, it is a warning sign that needs to be examined quickly. In these situations, consult your doctor.

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