Love For Any Personality Type

While there may be special personality traits that attract you in the beginning, you should choose someone who matches your personality type to have the best balance in love.
Love for any personality type

Do we choose our partners based on our own personality type ? Maybe you have never even thought about it until now, or maybe you have always known it to be true. Either way, today we invite you to learn about four personality types that experts say are the most important building blocks for lasting love relationships.

Your personality type determines who you love

It makes no sense to deny it – sometimes you fall for the person who made the least sense. The one that hardly fits your personality type… but still complements you. Other times, you may find someone who seems like the perfect match, only to develop into an unhappy relationship. Why is this happening? Why do we sometimes get fixated on character traits that bring us pain in the long run ? These two sides of the same coin (happiness and unhappiness) occur so often that it forces people to try to find some theoretical explanation for it.

One of the most recent books that has been written on the subject of why some people choose certain partners over others is called, “Why him? Why her? ”, Author Helen Fisher is an anthropologist at Rutgers University. In her interesting book, she defines 4 personalities on which relationships are based. We discuss each of them below:

1. The explorer

Female and birds

The explorer is a personality type who sees love as an adventure. They are impulsive, independent, very curious and often seem to be “living in the moment”. Let’s look at the basic characteristics:

  • Tendency to look for new things, new experiences.
  • Willing to take risks, whatever the consequences.
  • Very spontaneous.
  • Lots of energy.
  • Very curious, creative and positive.
  • Very flexible and can adapt.

Also read: Life as a couple, after having a child

2. The Director

Long beautiful hair

Director personalities are not necessarily “dominant”. It is the most analytical personality type that emphasizes logic and reason above all else. Directors are usually very balanced. They tend to be:

  • Determined and confident.
  • Able to control their emotions.
  • Willing to express desire easily.
  • Prefers well-designed tasks and wants everything to make sense. Perfectionists.

Also read: How to Recognize Emotionally Immature People

3. The builder


For the builder, their most important values ​​lie in family, friends and their togetherness with others. These are calm, sociable people who are very peaceful and avoid taking risks. They are typically :

  • Calm, self-aware and unpretentious.
  • Persevering.
  • Loyal.
  • Comfortable with traditional values ​​and established rules.
  • Able to develop and manage social networks.

4. The dealer

Girl and bear

Dealers are expressive, empathetic and idealistic. People of this type are usually very sensitive and imaginative, with very open minds. Their feelings are deep and they need their emotional needs met. Dealers are:

  • Able to see beneath the surface, naturally intuitive.
  • Imaginative and sensitive.
  • Merciful, with great mental flexibility and kindness to others.
  • Idealistic and altruistic.
  • Able to express their feelings, rather than hide them.
  • Proficient in social situations and building relationships.

Which personalities are the most compatible?

Holding hands

According to Fisher’s research, the most successful relationships are based on the following personality types :

1. Explorers tend to complement other explorers

Not surprisingly, people seeking a relationship based on emotion and passion are currently compatible with each other. If you are a retailer or builder, for example, you may not see eye-to-eye with spontaneity or vision of living in the moment when you prefer to focus on stability and start a family. According to Fisher, the explorer-explorer combination will be the most “explosive” match, with persistent ups and downs, constant shifts and movements from place to place, an intense amount of love, but both parties can start to get bored when they have what they want.

Builders and good partners with builders

This couple values ​​family, meeting new friends, spending time with their families and building a future together that is stable, calm and where they have a sense of control over all aspects of their lives. There is limited excitement or risks… these two like to play it safe and calm.

3. Directors fit in well with dealers

Lots of couples tend to establish stable and lasting relationships when fitting one of these two profiles. People who are naturally analytical, direct and perfectionist find happiness with more sensitive, empathetic, emotional personalities. In a way, they complement each other. The analytical, objective side meets the intuitive, the sensitive. Both seem to be attracted to the other’s needs, or maybe it’s just that they’re attracted to something they do not normally experience or feel during their day to day life.

Of course, this assessment is not crucial. But the author’s intention was to give us an example of the types of personalities that often result in more lasting and satisfying relationships.

If you are an emotional person seeking stability and a quiet life with your partner, it may not be an “explorer” you should choose. There may be passion right now, but sooner or later one of you will be disappointed.

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