10 Effective Ways To Counteract Fatigue

Do you have trouble staying awake at work? Are you struggling with downturns in the afternoon? Before resorting to caffeine, try these 10 natural and healthy tips to combat fatigue.
10 effective ways to counteract fatigue

Do you have to counteract fatigue all day at work? Are you exhausted after not being able to fall asleep?

The most common way to fight fatigue is by resorting to caffeine or sugar to get your energy levels up.

Fortunately, there are  many better ways to counteract fatigue. In this article we will look at some tricks to help one through the day without having to resort to unhealthy habits.

This is a list of the easiest things to do when you feel sleepy or need to recharge your batteries.

1. How to counteract fatigue: Get up and move

If you are tied to your desk and do not have much space, then here is something you can try. Get up and shake your arms and legs.

You can even try running on the spot or touching your toes. Doing all this  allows your energy to flow more easily through the body.

If you have a little bit more space to move around, then you can go for a walk or even brisk trot. This helps to make one’s blood flow and at the same time provides energy.

If you have the opportunity, you can also  get out and get some fresh air and some sunshine. This helps one to kill fatigue much easier.

2. Cheat your brain

You can also counteract fatigue by cheating your brain

If moving your body is not an option, then you can  train your brain.

Doing crossword puzzles or sudoku  might be the answer to your problem. You can also get your mind working on something new.

By doing this, you keep your brain going. This helps  to arouse one’s thoughts after performing monotonous tasks.

Use lemons

Did you know that the  scent of lemon is very useful for refreshing and stimulating the brain?

Because of this, one can  use lemons to keep one’s brain from sleeping. This can mean sucking on a candy cane with lemon, drinking a bit of lemon tea or even biting directly into a lemon.

In fact  , the characteristic scent of citrus activates one’s brain and can combat drowsiness.

So if you prefer, you can  choose the citrus fruit that you like best. Or you can try them all until you find out what works best for you.

4. Cool yourself down

Put down your regular cup of afternoon coffee and drink a glass of cold water instead. Cold water helps one to wake up and it hydrates one’s body. This gives an extra energy.

You can even spray a little cold water on your face. Another option is to  put an ice cube on one’s wrist. This awakens one’s body faster.

The cold is a great way to get your adrenaline pumping. It is a stimulating hormone that will help one to be more aware of what one is doing.

5. Eat a candy mint

Just like with lemons,  mint has a stimulating scent that will help counteract fatigue.  It is a good idea to have some mint candies tucked away at your desk in case of an emergency. 

You can also try chewing gum with mint. If you  add a little bit of mint to your ice water or wash your hands in soap with mint,  then you will achieve the same effect.

6. Listen to happy music

Energetic music can awaken one. Then put on your headphones and turn up the volume on your favorite song. If you can make yourself  sing,  then your energy level will rise even more.

On the other hand, it can give even more energy if you  get up from the chair and dance. However, one’s boss might find this a bit strange…

7. Inhale fire

Not literally! We are talking about one of the breathing exercises used in yoga. This technique can give one a big breath of adrenaline.

The wave of oxygen from the exercise goes towards the brain. This allows one to counteract fatigue and wakefulness.

The “technique of inhaling fire” is easy to learn. You can find videos online that will teach you all about it.

8. Cut it out

Sometimes it can be enough just to pretend you have more energy. This simply means that you are  cheating yourself into believing that you have more energy than you actually have.

All you have to do is  tell yourself that you are twice awake and full of energy twice. This will help one to complete all his tasks.

It will surprise you how you will almost  automatically find energy  when you used to seem completely exhausted.

9. Mediter

Meditation is very helpful in reducing stress  and increasing one’s concentration. One should exercise it regularly. If you do, you may find that it is also an excellent tool for counteracting fatigue.

If you have tried to meditate before, but still do not get over the downturn in the afternoon, then it may mean that you have not found the right kind of meditation.

10. Grin

Laughing is therapeutic. This is because of the endorphins that make one’s body relax. These hormones affect one’s overall well-being and energy levels.

Because of this, one should spend a few minutes laughing at a video or sharing a funny story with a friend. This can help one to counteract fatigue and improve one’s performance.

Try it!

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