Three Slimming Recipes With Artichoke

Artichokes are very nutritious and have certain qualities that can help you lose weight more easily.
Three slimming recipes with artichoke

Artichokes are versatile and can be used in many different dishes. Here are three slimming recipes with artichoke that fit perfectly with your new healthy lifestyle.

If you are planning to lose weight, these artichoke recipes are just the thing for you. Artichokes are full of good nutrients that will help you burn fat without threatening your health.

In addition, they are diuretics, which means they are good against water retention and bloating, which can make you look bigger than you actually are. Now you can start to see why people are so interested in finding ways to add artichokes to their diet!

Why exactly are they recommended? How should I eat them if I want to lose weight? Many ask these questions, so below you can look over some of their health benefits and try these three slimming artichoke recipes on your own.

Therefore, you need to eat artichokes if you want to lose weight

Artichokes in basket.

Artichokes, known in the scientific world as Cynara Cardunculus, belong to the family Asteraceae and are native to countries such as Greece and Italy. Today, they are popular all over the globe and are considered one of the healthiest vegetables out there.

Some are already familiar with its many uses in the kitchen as it is quite versatile and goes well with other foods. However, it is primarily popular for its health benefits. In addition to being very low in calories, artichokes are packed with great nutrients that will help you meet your body’s needs. The most notable are:

  • Dietary fiber
  • B-complex vitamins
  • Vitamin  A
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium
  • Phytosterols
  • Protein

Benefits of artichokes

Many people start eating artichokes to lose weight. However, many of them are unaware of how healthy they actually are for their bodies. They do much more than help you with your weight loss; they also prevent and treat several health problems.  Artichokes:

  • Supports your body to ensure the health of your liver and stimulate bile production.
  • Helps cleanse your blood and removes toxins from your body
  • Flushes excess fluid out of the tissues of your body
  • Lowers your cholesterol
  • Improve your metabolism  and protect your arteries
  • Supports good digestion and treats constipation
  • Minimize uric acid level
  • Relaxes your nervous system and relieves headaches
  • Makes you feel full longer and control your appetite

Also read: These juices will help you with your weight loss in no time

Slimming recipes with artichoke

Artichoke contains cynarine, which helps your body digest fats and prevent them from building up. They also contain prebiotic fiber, which will help keep your gut flora healthy. That’s why these slimming artichoke recipes are so healthy for you.

1. Artichoke

Tea brewed on artichoke.

This tea is made from artichokes and horseradish and is excellent for weight loss. The nutrients in it will help you burn calories, get your blood circulating and minimize cellulite.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons horseradish
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Cut an artichoke into pieces and boil it in water.
  • Once you have cooked it, lower the heat and add the horseradish.
  • Let it simmer for 3 minutes and then remove from the heat.
  • After 10 minutes where it has drawn, add the lemon juice.
  • Take a cup as the first thing in the morning and another later in the afternoon.
  • Drink it at least 3 times a week.

Also read: Which teas can help you lose weight?

2. Artichoke salad

Artichokes are delicious, and a great way to add them to your diet is by including them in this salad.


  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 green pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • 1/2 onion
  • Parsley and salt (to taste)
  • Extra virgin olive oil and sherry vinegar (to taste)


  • Peel and halve the artichokes, cover with water and add fresh parsley.
  • Boil with salt (to taste).
  • Make a vinaigrette with green pepper, tomato and the chopped onion.
  • Combine artichoke and dressing, then add olive oil.
  • Eat it for lunch or as part of a light dinner.

3. Spanish artichoke omelet

Omelette with artichoke.

If you would rather have artichoke for breakfast, then this tasty Spanish omelette is an excellent option. It will give you a protein boost and help keep you energetic throughout your busy day.


  • 1 artichoke
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and oil (to taste)


  • Finely chop your artichoke and sauté with a little salt and oil.
  • When done, transfer it to a paper towel.
  • Beat the eggs together and prepare them in a pan.
  • Add your fried artichokes in an even layer.
  • Cook over medium-low heat until the dish is done.

Are you ready to try these slimming recipes with artichoke? There is no need to follow a strict diet; just choose a recipe (or all three) and enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

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