Five Important Things You Learn When You Become A Mother

Before you become a mother, you may be excited about experiencing motherhood. However, it is important for you to know these five things that you will discover after becoming a mother.
Five important things you learn when you become a mother

How many times have you heard a woman say that she learned many new things after she became a mother? This exciting journey is characterized by many surprises that you probably want to be prepared for. In this article, we share some of the things you learn when you become a mother. Although every woman and experience is unique, everyone has certain things in common.

Five important things you discover when you become a mother

You will have to forgive yourself for many things

First, before you become a mother, you have a very superficial idea of ​​motherhood. No matter how much you are told, you will never know what it means until you experience it for yourself. This is because each case is unique and you will write your own story.

Even if you read all the guides and listen to all the advice, you will eventually discover that you need to let your maternal instincts guide you. You will have to forgive yourself for many things that you can not do as expected.

2. Your relationship with your partner will change

Young couple with newborn baby

Secondly, it is inevitable that the relationship with your partner will change when you have a child together. However, the change does not have to be negative. It is in your hands to lead this new phase and ensure that it is positive for the whole family.

Before you become a mother, your life revolves around your partner, family and work, among other things. But after your first child is born, all the attention turns to the newborn, who requires care 24 hours a day. Until you experience it yourself, you will not understand it.

Hormonal changes, fatigue, drowsiness, stress, worries, decisions… they are all challenges that both partners will have to face with patience, love and cooperation. They also need to strive to ensure that the spark of intimacy and romance does not burn out.

Start pelvic floor exercises before you become a mother

Of all the recommendations you want to hear, listen to those related to pelvic floor exercises. Your quality of life depends largely on this part of your body that you may not have heard of before.

Ideally, you should know the exercises before you become a mother. In fact, it is much better if you learn them before you even get pregnant. Becoming aware of your pelvic floor is even more important for young girls who suffer from urine leakage when laughing or sneezing.

Take it seriously!

4. Getting pregnant is not always easy

A woman with pregnancy test who can not get pregnant but wants to become a mother

It is not always possible to get pregnant on the first try. Therefore, take the time and talk to a doctor if you are considering getting pregnant.

Many women hope to get pregnant in the first month. However, this only happens in a small percentage of cases. Many people do not know it until they start looking for information because they think they are not fertile.

Doctors do not recommend worrying until you have tried for at least a year. However, if you want to make this easier for you, you can use ovulation calendars and tests and follow a balanced and nutritious diet.

You can also get regular blood tests to detect possible vitamin deficiencies. The most important thing, however, is to avoid anxiety and frustration. Instead, enjoy this phase with enthusiasm and optimism.

5. You will relive the difficult days

As a last resort, many of the first days or weeks with your newborn will probably be much more intense than you imagined. Plus, you will not always take them in stride.

In a few years , though, you will remember them with nostalgia and may even want to relive them. Once you have become a mother, you will finally understand the old saying: “The days are long, but the years are short”.

Therefore, learn to enjoy every moment!

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