5 “strange ” Headache Triggers

Today on our site we are going to talk about a few of these
5 "strange" headache triggers

We have all experienced them before, but what triggers headaches? The first things that come to mind are fatigue, stress, high blood pressure and even poor posture. However, there are some other extremely unusual headache triggers that you may not have been aware of.

Headache triggers

Today on our site we are going to talk about a couple of these “strange” headache triggers and some of the symptoms of this classic complaint that you will want to know something about. So keep reading!

1. Physical exertion

Woman who has a cold

This type of headache is described by experts as a “cough” headache. It is relatively common especially during the cold and allergy season. The triggers include:

  • To cough a lot.
  • Sneeze several times during the day.
  • To brush your nose often.
  • To cry for a long time.

As you can see, it is the result of normal physical exertion. They become a real problem when you start suffering from an unpleasant headache. It has definitely happened to you that when you have a really bad cold, it leaves you with sneezing and having to brush your nose all day long. The end result is a terrible headache.

2. Cold

Woman standing under a tree outside

Doctors call this condition an ice headache, and it is an unusual headache trigger that we have all experienced at some point in our lives, but few know why. What causes it?

  • Exposure to cold. They are common in the summer when the air conditioner is set very low to almost freezing point.
  • Taking cold showers.
  • Getting caught in the rain.
  • To drink something cold.

We should also point out that this type of headache which is associated with colds is really common in those who suffer from migraines.

3. Pres

Woman massaging her temples

This is another normal problem that many people often do not realize and it almost always results in an unexplained headache at the end of the day. Can you guess the reason?

  • Wearing a helmet or hat for several hours a day.
  • Headbands can cause headaches if you have had them all day.
  • Sunglasses, reading glasses and even diving goggles are also headache triggers.

4. To sleep

Woman waking up with a headache

They are called sleep-related headaches, and can occur at any age. You may experience this type of headache at some point. These are some of the triggers:

  • Waking up in the middle of the night with a sudden headache that, although not intense, can leave a feeling of malaise for at least half an hour.
  • They also tend to occur after taking an afternoon nap. You wake up dizzy with an unpleasant “aura” around your head.
  • The cause of this type of headache is unknown, but they are benign and are not usually recurrent.

5. Electronic devices

Person sitting with a mobile

This has become one of the most common types of headaches in recent years. So much so that doctors are even already warning us about the consequences of excessive use of cell phones, computers and other electronic equipment for our health.

It is important to be aware that these types of devices emit electromagnetic radiation that can cause damage to your visual health and eventually trigger headaches.

Please note the following:

  • According to studies conducted by the University of Michigan, we spend between 5 and 6 hours a day in front of a computer, and we dare not count the number of times we look at our cell phones. All this results in visual fatigue, red eyes, neck and back pain and of course headaches.
  • To avoid this problem, experts recommend lowering the screen brightness on these devices and keeping the computer screen out of your sight. Another important piece of advice is to remember not to try to check your cell phone in bright light. Combining sunlight and the light from the screen are triggers for headaches. It is always better to wait to check your phone until you are inside.
  • Take a short break every 20 minutes. If you work at the computer, it is important to take a 3 minute break every 20 minutes you spend in front of the computer. Take a break and look away from the screen. You can look out of a window, against a wall or something in the distance to relax your eyes. Also, be aware that you should blink frequently to keep your eyes moist because we all tend to stare at electronic devices and therefore we blink less. And as you probably know, overexertion in the eyes triggers headaches.

As you can see, there are several “strange” headache triggers that you were not aware of. Now that you know it, remember them to avoid an unpleasant headache. Do not forget!

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