5 Best Teas To Treat An Irritating Cough

Mint tea is great for breaking down mucus, lemon is a powerful antibiotic, and thyme is an effective microbial herb.
5 best teas to treat an irritating cough

Air pollution causes a lot of chaos on our health. One result of this is an annoying cough that shows up for no apparent reason. This also tends to come along with a dark colored mucous membrane.

Both are reactions from your body to something that it considers dangerous. Therefore, it produces cramps and fluids. It tries to keep dust and other harmful substances that are dangerous to you away.

That said, coughing is also a symptom of a cold or infection. These things can come from things like temperature changes that you have a weakened immune system or may be plagued by a virus.

Whatever the cause of your diet, there is a tea to help you fight off the excess mucus and generally make your cough milder.

If you want to know what kind of tea are the best to fight your annoying cough, read on.

1. Thyme tea against irritating cough


Singers and other people who use their voice often love to drink a lot of thyme. This is not strange; This herb is very good for fighting infections in your vocal canal and your lungs.

It is also an effective anti-inflammatory agent. In addition to relieving pain, it actually also helps with your healing and addresses the root problem in your cough.

It acts as an antibacterial agent. Therefore, if you have any microbes that cause your cough, thyme will try to kill them.

2. Lemon tea with honey and cinnamon

As we have said so often on this page, lemon is a very effective antibacterial agent. But the acid can be harsh if it comes in direct contact with your tonsils.

So it is a good idea to combine this tea with something to soften the acidity. Honey, in addition to doing just that, also has a property that kills harmful bacteria. It actually acts a bit like some kind of protective film on your neck.

As for cinnamon, it is good to break up mucus. At the same time, it helps to improve the effect of the other ingredients in the tea.

Mint tea to help you with your cough

Tea with mint leaves

Mint is a superstar if you are looking at tea for coughs. It is especially good if you have difficulty breathing because it dissolves mucus.

Sometimes it is difficult to breathe because the mucous membrane is too thick. This makes it difficult for your body to expel it as it adheres to your airways.

Of course, mint tea is great for counteracting the inflammation and infection behind your cough. But if you want to make it even more effective, we suggest adding a cinnamon to it.

4. Rooibos tea with lemon

If you do not have allergies yourself, you might think that they are only about sneezing and rashes. However, there are many other symptoms of allergies, such as a persistent cough. If this might suit you, we recommend that you try a rooibos tea with lemon juice.

The tea is a great antihistamine, so it is perfect if you have a cough due to allergies.

In addition, it contains a high number of minerals, which is necessary if your immune system is to be strong. This also makes the tea ideal if you have a cold or flu.

5. Ginger tea with honey

Ginger with honey - irritating cough

A ginger tea can be very effective in fighting your irritating cough, but unlike many of the teas we mentioned above, there are many who do not think ginger tastes as good. This is especially the case with ginger in tea form. That said, we recommend giving it a try because it really is a great remedy for you and your body.

When ginger is used in tea , its anti-inflammatory effect is particularly strong and potent. With a ginger tea you will get better faster and the pain will go away in record time.

Like the other teas, this one also helps dissolve mucus. This means that you are helping to heal yourself from within, which is important when it comes to coughing.

You can use these teas to fight a mild or nasty cough, whether it is chronic or temporary. There are no side effects unless you are allergic to some of the ingredients.

A good way to drink these teas is to make them in the morning and carry them around with you in a thermos. Thereby you can walk around and always have some tea with you which you can sip all day long.

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