Myths And Facts About Green Smoothies

Have you ever tried green smoothies? Do you know their benefits? This article will focus on exposing some of the myths about green smoothies and deepening their truths.
Myths and facts about green smoothies

Green smoothies have become part of the diet of millions of people around the world. Do you really know their benefits?

These smoothies have recently become very popular thanks to famous people and online personalities who have sparked an intense interest in them. Recipes for these smoothies combine fruits, vegetables, seeds and other healthy ingredients. They have become perfect for dieting or as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Despite this, many misunderstandings have arisen regarding the benefits they provide, especially as many of their benefits are exaggerated.

So how true is everything people say about these smoothies? What are they really good at? This article will review and explore these issues as well as investigate common misconceptions about these beverages.

Myths about green smoothies

Following their rise in popularity, many misconceptions have emerged about the benefits of green smoothies.

Following their rise in popularity, many misconceptions have emerged about the benefits of green smoothies

Myth # 1: Green smoothies have slimming effects

Incorporating healthy smoothies into your regular diet can seem like an ideal way to get rid of the fat that tends to accumulate in various parts of the body. However, this is far from reality.

Your daily intake of green smoothies has no significant effect on body weight.

Also read: 5 healthy smoothies for your daily breakfast


  • These drinks combine two or three different types of fruit, which means you are actually increasing your intake of sugar and calories.
  • When blended, these vegetables and fruits lose much of their fiber content, reducing the digestive benefits. Chewing helps lower hunger and reduce anxiety. Therefore, it is better to eat whole fruits and vegetables than it is to drink them.

Myth # 2: It’s better to drink smoothies than to eat whole fruits or vegetables

Green smoothies are healthy – it’s true. However, it is not true that their properties are superior to whole fruits and vegetables.

While it is acceptable to include them in your diet to get more nutrients, it is also true that the ingredients may lose some of their nutrients in the process.


  • Fruits and vegetables can lose vitamins, fiber and antioxidants when pressed.
  • When they remain whole and in good condition, they retain all their nutrients

Myth # 3: Green smoothies cleanse the body

One of the reasons why healthy smoothies have become so popular is because of their supposed ability to “cleanse” or “detoxify” the body.

The combination of fruits and vegetables with a high chlorophyll content looks like it would be perfect for removing toxins retained by the body.

However, a simple drink can actually not do this.

While the nutrients in these beverages are healthy and beneficial to our health, organs like our kidneys and liver are the agents that actually cleanse the body of toxins.

Also read: Liver cleansing diet


  • These drinks can provide an “extra” dose of nutrients that help support the function of these organs.
  • However, if the person does not have a healthy lifestyle, little or nothing helps to “cleanse” or “detoxify” the body.

Facts about green smoothies

Despite all the myths about them, green smoothies are actually healthy.

Despite all the myths about them, green smoothies are actually healthy

Fact # 1: Green smoothies help keep the body hydrated

One truth about green smoothies is that they are great for keeping the body hydrated. However, this does not mean that you only have to depend on them to stay hydrated.

There is nothing better than pure water for hydration. It contains zero calories and is essential for most functions in the body.


  • A healthy smoothie is not enough to keep the body hydrated. Therefore, it is necessary to drink several (6-8) glasses of water throughout the day, in addition to the smoothie.
  • Some fruits and vegetables are more liquid than others. Therefore, it is important to know how you can best combine them to make your drink more hydrating.

Fact # 2: There can be positive effects to drinking healthy smoothies

While it is untrue that green smoothies have “super benefits” for your health and weight, they can have several positive effects.

  • They are not harmful.
  • Their calorie content is moderate.
  • They contain vitamins, minerals and natural sugars that help give the body more energy.

Important concluding comments

  • Healthy smoothies should always be considered as a supplement to your diet. They should not replace main meals and you should not drink them too much.
  • Drinking these smoothies is almost always harmless. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor if you suffer from an illness or are taking medication.

Did you have any misconceptions about healthy smoothies? What do you think now that you know the myths and truths about green smoothies?

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