The 4 Most Common Forms Of Depression

If you have depression, it is important that you seek help and not isolate yourself. Exercise can also sometimes help with depression as it triggers endorphins.
The 4 most common forms of depression

Depression is a disease that unfortunately affects many people. This is due to a mixture of genetic predispositions and external triggers. There are different types of depression and in this article we will introduce you to the 4 most common.

Depression is hard to fight. It is often accompanied by guilt, restlessness and anxiety due to the many misunderstandings and prejudices that surround it.

Depression manifests itself in different ways

Most people associate depression with sadness and hopelessness. It is true that some types of depression cause these emotions, where you can not get out of bed and you do not have the energy to do anything. All the things that used to be exciting now feel meaningless…

There are different types of depression

But there are also many other types of depression whose symptoms look completely different. If you learn to recognize them, you may one day make a big difference in your own life or the lives of others.

In this article, we will discuss the four most common forms of depression.

4 different types of depression

1. Depression after a death

Many depressions are triggered by an external factor, such as a death. When you lose someone, you can be buried in such deep grief that it becomes a bottomless pit of despair.

This type of depression can be frustrating and difficult to get out of. When you can not get back on your feet after a traumatic event, it can feel humiliating. However, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It is not your fault that you are depressed.

2. Bipolar disorder

You may already be aware of bipolar disorder, which is characterized by periods of extreme happiness followed by deep sadness. It can sometimes be hard to look at bipolar people how much they suffer because they are up running a lot of the time. Their depression is only expressed in periods.

Bipolar people have a hard time finding a balance in life. They are either ecstatic or depressed, which can be confusing for themselves and for people around them.

There is also another form of bipolar disorder with minor fluctuations between mania and depression. This type is called bipolar II and is characterized by mixed depressive and manic emotions. These opposing feelings can lead to restlessness, restlessness, irritability and anxiety.



Burnout is a form of depression that is caused by too much pressure in the workplace or at school.

It often happens to committed employees who want to keep doing their best. They are passionate about their work, but end up burning out. When the pressure is on, it can create mental and physical exhaustion, which leads one into a bad depression.

Burnout can be overcome with the right treatment. It is important that you take a break and find the treatment that works best for you, whether it is psychotherapy, meditation or something third.

4. Depression in the elderly

Depression in the elderly is unfortunately very widespread and underdiagnosed. It particularly affects the elderly with chronic diseases, cognitive disorders and disabilities.

As we get older, our biological composition changes, so we become more prone to depression. At the same time, many seniors lose their friends and lose contact with children and grandchildren. Many seniors feel lonely and without value or meaning.

However, it is important to keep in mind that not all seniors are depressed, even if they start behaving differently. As we get older, we get tired faster and often need more relaxation. That does not necessarily mean we are depressed.

Depression in the elderly is a serious societal problem that can be difficult to prevent and treat. Enjoy every moment you have and do not postpone anything until later. Make sure you support your parents and grandparents so that they feel valued and have something to live for.

Depression is a vicious circle

Everyone can get a depression, and unfortunately it happens all too easily. The hard part is getting out of it. A person who is depressed tends to isolate himself. It can be hard to get out of the meaningless mood swings. How can one force oneself to be happy if one cannot see the meaning of it?


Whether you are suffering from bipolar depression or other forms of depression, you should seek professional help as soon as you experience that something is wrong. You can not break out of the circle alone – be honest with yourself about this.

If you do not seek help and just shut yourself off from the outside world, you will remain in the vicious circle of depression. Once you have locked yourself inside it, you cannot get out. So start talking and open yourself up to the people around you.

If you can not do that, then go straight to a professional – find any way to ease the burden off your shoulders.

With patience and time you will overcome the depression. It’s a long, hard process, but you can handle it. With the right help and support, you can break out of the vicious circle of depression.

No matter what kind of depression you have, there is a way out.

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