Differences Between First And Second Pregnancy

During your second pregnancy, you do not have the opportunity to rest as much as during the first, because you also have your firstborn to take care of.
Differences between first and second pregnancies

A woman’s first pregnancy is usually overwhelming. She has many expectations, and believe it or not, the most intense feeling she may feel is fear. However, her second pregnancy may be calmer as there are several differences between first and second pregnancies.

Since women know what to expect during this period, they typically feel calmer. For others, however, it can be much more exciting and stressful at the same time.

Although pregnant women are aware of the events that can occur during pregnancy, any pregnancy is a new experience. Another pregnancy no doubt has a lot in common with the first, but it is also unique in its own way.

Being pregnant with your second child

Although firstborns turn women into experienced mothers, many women are not aware that a new pregnancy can be more difficult than the first.

This new pregnancy comes with many physical and emotional changes that the expectant mother has to deal with while caring for her firstborn at the same time. This is a big challenge.

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The main differences between first and second pregnancy

Mother experiences differences between first and second pregnancy

The following things include some of the main differences between first and second pregnancies:

  • Forget about enjoying the sleepiness that pregnancy causes. Yes, you will probably no longer be able to enjoy the long naps that you enjoyed during your first pregnancy. This is because your first child requires your attention and love, especially if they are small.
  • However, you probably have more energy than during your first pregnancy. After all, you already have the so-called “maternal powers”. You are a super mother who is able to work, raise your child, perform household chores, care for your partner and take care of your pregnancy at the same time.
  • Your first child will be the best companion during this time. While the baby is in the womb, they stimulate them and build a bond with them that will grow as your tummy grows.
  • You may also be able to have the birth you did not have the first time. If you did not dare to have a water birth or food at home for the first time, you may decide to try it now. It is even possible to give birth vaginally if your first baby was born by caesarean section.
  • During your first pregnancy, you were the center of attention for your family and friends. However, attention may diminish with this pregnancy. However, this should not worry you! They still shower you with love, just not like the first time.

Differences in first and second pregnancies compared to breastfeeding

Girl kisses mom's pregnant belly

If you definitely believed in breastfeeding your first child until they were two years old, but were surprised to find out you were pregnant again, do not despair or rush to wean.

Many mothers or grandmothers will tell you that you can not breastfeed while you are pregnant. Some doctors also believe that breastfeeding may increase the risk of miscarriage. However, do not let that alarm you.

If you have a healthy pregnancy, do not worry. Can you feel contractions? Yes, it is very likely, but if they do occur, they will be mild and will not endanger your health or your baby’s life. This way you can continue to breastfeed your first child!

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If any of the following conditions apply to you, consult your doctor or midwife before doing so. They may advise you to wean:

  • A high-risk pregnancy due to your age or pregnancy disorders.
  • If you are expecting twins.
  • If you have bleeding from the uterus.

Concluding thoughts

Being pregnant is one of the most enriching experiences. Your second pregnancy will be different from the first because you already have a baby to take care of. Thus, you need to build a healthy bond with your firstborn while waiting for the arrival of the new baby.

Be sure to try to be as calm as possible as your child needs to feel at ease. This new pregnancy can stress you out a little more than your first. This is because even though you are happy and confident with the baby that is on the way, your firstborn can be demanding.

Just make sure to enjoy your new pregnancy to the fullest! Prepare yourself better as you will have to tackle new challenges now that you have to be the mother of two children.

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