Tips To Avoid Carbohydrates

The problem with carbohydrates is that people eat the unhealthy kind (refined) and not the natural ones. These are the ones found in fruits, whole grains and vegetables.
Tips to avoid carbohydrates

The problem with carbohydrates is that we usually abuse the refined ones and do not use the healthy ones. However, if you can eat fruits and vegetables instead of refined carbohydrates, there are amazing benefits to your health. There are carbohydrates in many of the things you eat for daily. The right carbs are good for you, but it’s good to avoid carbs if we’re talking about the refined kind.

Although they give you nourishment and energy to accomplish everyday things, it is not a good idea to abuse them.

In this post, we give you tips for eating fewer carbs.

Are Carbohydrates Bad For Your Health?

This is a very common question, especially from people who want to lose weight.

In recent years, low carb diets have become very popular. As the name indicates, they reduce the intake of carbohydrates to a minimum. The basis of this kind of cure is that “carbohydrates are the reason you put on weight”.

However, you cannot eliminate them completely from your diet. This is because they are a very important function of the body.

For example, they are one of the main sources of glucose in the blood. This means that they are responsible for supplying the cells with fuel. Plus, they are the source of energy that the brain uses to perform all of its functions.

Types of carbohydrates.

There are, basically, two kinds of carbohydrates.

  1. On the one hand, there are the simple ones, also called sugar
  2. On the other hand, there are the more complex carbohydrates. These include starch and fiber.

However, this has changed. Man has changed the way food is processed. We have also created a new kind of carbohydrate; simple, refined sugars.

What are they then? They are found in most of the manufactured products found in stores; cakes, pastas, breakfast cereals, etc.

The problem with them is that they are absorbed quickly because they do not contain fiber. Plus, they destroy the blood’s glucose levels. They even store fat in the body (especially on the stomach).

The problem with carbohydrates is that people eat the unhealthy kind (refined) and not the natural ones. These are the ones found in fruits, whole grains and vegetables.

Tips for avoiding carbohydrates.

It is important to stay informed about which carbohydrates are “bad”, so you can avoid carbohydrates.

We have some tips that can help.

1. Drop drink with sugar

Believe it or not, sports drinks are not healthy at all. This is because they contain large amounts of fructose. They also contain a lot of sugar.

This causes both obesity and insulin resistance. Even light products contain unhealthy substances. Instead, drink natural fruit juices or herbal teas.

Also read: 9 foods you did not think contained so much sugar

2. Eat more fruits and more vegetables

Often you eat cookies, bread or chips because you have a craving and not because you are hungry.

There is a solution to that. For example, you can completely stop buying “tempting” products. You can also have a delicious bowl of fruit within reach.

Eat a vegetable before eating something high in carbohydrates. It can be celery or carrot. When you chew it, the tension and urge are relieved.

3. Reduce the amount of bread

We are used to eating bread for pasta, meat or sauces.

However, in a slice of bread, there are far too many refined carbohydrates. It is therefore one of the reasons for weight gain.

It is important to choose whole grains such as. rye. Although it contains carbohydrates, it also contains a good amount of fiber.

One of the benefits is that it helps with bowel movements.

Also read: How to make gluten-free bread: Three recipes

Shop when you are full to avoid carbohydrates

A good idea for both body and wallet is to shop after you have eaten.

When you are hungry, the brain makes bad decisions. Everything you see is tempting.

Therefore, we also recommend that you do not go out to eat on a completely empty stomach.

Remember that your appetite will make you choose processed, fatty, sugary foods that are not quite healthy. Therefore; eat first and shop afterwards.

 Choose low-carb snacks

In the morning and in the afternoon it is ok to have a snack. It satisfies hunger before a meal. Plus, it’s quick and easy.

However, you should pay attention to them. This is because such snacks can be made from anything.

Instead of french fries, biscuits, sweets and cold cuts, we recommend that you have nuts on hand. It can e.g. be walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts.

While it is true that they contain many calories, the trick is to eat only a handful. The good news is that they satisfy hunger and curb cravings.

Distractions from your delicious hunger

6. Do not be fooled by light products

These are extremely popular. On a large number of products on the market, it says “few calories”.

The problem is that these foods are not always healthy. They may contain fewer carbohydrates, but also less protein and salt and may contain harmful preservatives.

7. Eat more protein for breakfast to avoid carbohydrates

Every morning you get fuel to start the day.

To get the most energy, we recommend e.g. that you simultaneously eat a boiled egg to satisfy your hunger. That way, you also add body protein.

You will be able to feel the difference!

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