Strengthen Your Abdominal Muscles With Resistance Bands

Abdominal bends with resistance bands are ideal for strengthening and increasing muscle endurance. Are you ready to incorporate them into your routine? So read on, for this article contains some great exercises that include this type of equipment.
Strengthen your abdominal muscles with resistance bands

Exercises to train abdominal muscles with resistance bands have become more popular among those who are trying to strengthen their abdominal muscles. This equipment adds a degree of difficulty to certain training routines and you can use them instead of weights. In addition, it is ideal for training all muscle groups, including the core.

The main reason for their widespread use is perhaps just the ability to train at home without using expensive and extensive equipment. These bands take up a little space and are available in different levels to be able to vary the intensity of the training. But do they really work?

Research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Science showed that training with resistance bands helps to improve balance, gait function and flexibility. It also induces greater neuromuscular fatigue than exercises with isometric contractions. Let’s look at how to use them for abdominal workouts.

Seven exercises to train abdominal muscles with resistance bands

The abdominal muscles play a fundamental role in the body’s support: this includes the containment of the intestines and the depletion processes. It increases muscle endurance, improves aesthetics and promotes well-being to strengthen them through exercise.

There are many exercises for this purpose, but training abdominal muscles with resistance bands has become popular because of how practical it is. You can perform them anywhere and they do not require too much special equipment. Check out these exercises with elastic bands and use them to strengthen your stomach.


This exercise is usually performed with a dumbbell, but you can also do it with resistance bands. An article in the journal Plos One states that this variant of resistance exercises is ideal for increasing muscle strength, preventing muscle loss and losing weight.

Although it greatly trains the muscles of the lower body, it also benefits the abdomen and lower back. There are many variations, but you can do the following:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and with the resistance band wrapped around your feet.
  • Grasp one end with your hand (if you have an open band) so that your fingers are facing outwards.
  • Stretch the ribbon as much as you want.
  • Bend forward at the waist and at the knees with a curved back. Then lift the chest and straighten the upper back with the head forward.
  • Then lift your hind body while holding the resistance band tight. Make sure it is tight enough and straighten it before repeating the exercise.
  • Do 10 to 12 repetitions.
Woman trains abdominal muscles with resistance bands

Also check out: 5 effective exercises to gain strong abdominal muscles

Rowing on one leg

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Then wrap the elastic around your right foot while holding the other end with your left hand.
  • Put your weight on your right leg. Then turn your hips and lean forward so that your left leg is stretched behind you.
  • Pull the elastic, bringing your left elbow back and holding it close to you when your chest is parallel to the floor.
  • Extend the arm, then return to the starting position. Lav ca. 10 to 12 repetitions per. page.

Leg lift from the floor

This exercise is simple when performed without equipment, but becomes more challenging with a resistance band. You can make it with a closed or open ribbon, you just need to tie a knot in it.

  • Lie on the floor on your back with the elastic around your ankles.
  • Keep your hands on the floor and your legs stretched. Then lift one leg straight up to a 90 degree angle while pushing the other leg down into the floor.
  • Change legs. You can lower one leg first and lift the other leg afterwards, or you can merge the two movements as if you were making the scissors.


This is another of the exercises you can do with elastic bands to strengthen the abdominal muscles. A study published in the Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy agrees that it is an ideal supplement to strengthen the muscles that provide stability to the hind body.

  • Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Place the resistance band just above the knees and lift the hips as high as you can, but with a relaxed upper body.
  • Squeeze your buttocks together and hold the position for a few seconds before slowly lowering your hips. Repeat 12 to 15 times.

Place the elastic on your thighs and press it down to the floor with your hands to get a more intense and challenging variation of this exercise.

Mountain climber

This is a popular abdominal exercise as it has a good aerobic endurance component. Do not do it too fast, and concentrate on the technique of performing it with resistance bands. You will need a closed strap in a length that suits you.

  • Start in a plank position with the elastic wrapped around the feet.
  • From there, bring one knee up to the chest so that you activate the abdominal muscles well. Then return to the starting position.
  • Change legs, and repeat again in a continuous motion, approx. 10 to 12 times.

Bicycle with resistance band

This is one of those exercises that should be a part of your abdominal muscle resistance band routine. It strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles, improves stability and promotes weight loss.

  • To begin with, lie on your stomach on the floor with the elastic band around your thighs just above your knees.
  • Place your hands behind your neck with open elbows. Then bend the knees at an angle of 90 degrees, tighten the core.
  • From this position, lift your shoulders off the floor and stretch your left leg while turning your right elbow toward the bent left knee, which is also brought up toward your elbow. Change sides to bring the left elbow to the right knee.
  • You can also do a standing variation of this exercise. Simply position the resistance band in the same way and lift one bent knee. Bring the opposite elbow back and forth in an attempt to touch the knee with it.
Woman trains abdominal muscles with resistance bands

Russian twist to train abdominal muscles with resistance bands

This is without a doubt a classic exercise within the routines to strengthen the abdominal muscles. People usually make it with a ball or a dumbbell. However, a resistance band can add increased resistance.

  • Take a sitting position with your knees bent and your heels flat on the floor.
  • Wrap the resistance band around your thighs and hold on to the ends with both hands. You can also place the elastic on your feet behind your soles (you need to bend your feet so that it does not slip off).
  • From this position, activate the oblique abdominal muscles and rotate to the right side while pulling on the elastic.
  • Repeat on the left side, performing 12 to 15 repetitions.

Remember your abilities

It is important to take into account your own abilities to avoid injury when doing these exercises. The goal is for you to be able to complete the series effectively.

As far as possible, you should be able to perform the exercises without straps easily and fluently. The tapes are just an added challenge. It is best to do several sets or repetitions until you are ready to increase the difficulty if you have difficulty performing the basic exercises.

Things to keep in mind when it comes to training abdominal muscles with resistance bands

The resistance of the band is a crucial factor when performing these exercises. Start therefore with a softer tape or with a larger diameter, and gradually increase the level.

Just because the straps are light and easy to use, does not mean there is no risk of injury. In fact, if you use too much resistance, you can hurt yourself. As you can imagine, assess the tension with caution.

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