How To Clean Your Colon Naturally

Your colon helps your body re-absorb fluids, process waste products and prepare for their excretion. It is important to make sure that one’s colon is clean to ensure its function. Learn about two ways to cleanse your colon in this article.
How to clean your colon naturally

More and more people are suffering from problems with their colon.  Of course, this is often because of the foods we eat. Since the colon is part of the larger intestines, food passes through this area. Read more and learn how to cleanse your colon naturally!

The role of the colon

The colon has a simple function. It is located at the end of the larger intestines, and it is the last thing that waste products have to go through before they are excreted from the body. The problem, however, lies in our eating habits and lifestyle.

Why is it? We weaken our colon and make it work harder day after day.  This results in the colon not being able to perform its one and important task. This can make us suffer from diseases and other problems.

Waste substances and toxins accumulate in the walls of our colon. This causes all kinds of problems including  constipation, indigestion, joint pain and even headaches.

Chronic cases can even result in  serious diseases of the kidneys and liver.

To maintain a healthy colon, we need to look at what we eat. First of all, our diet should be full of fiber.

It is also wise to take advantage of  a cleansing diet several times a year to get rid of accumulated waste products in one’s colon.

We recommend that you do this on weekends, a holiday or on a day off. The important thing is that  you do it when you are at home.

How to clean your colon with apples

Red apples

Cleansing or detoxing one’s colon can be a difficult process. This is because it involves using the toilet several times a day.

The good news, though, is that  if your colon is clean and healthy, then you will feel much better.  One will also avoid some unpleasant diseases and conditions.

During the cleansing of the colon, one will have to  drink a lot of water.  This keeps one hydrated and helps with the excretion of waste products. We recommend drinking between 6 and 8 glasses or about 3.8 liters of water a day.

If you want, you can start the day with  a glass of lukewarm water with a few drops of lemon juice in.  This will boost your metabolism.

Apples are one of the best remedies for cleansing the colon

Because of this, we recommend that you  add a large amount of apples to your diet for three days.  You should be sure to use different recipes so that you do not get tired of them.

Apples are perfect for removing toxins. They do this with or without the peel, whole or pressed. Here’s what to do:

  • After drinking the water with lemon  , the next thing to do is drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.
  • Then drink a glass of water.
  • Repeat this process throughout the day. Finally, one must have drunk  four glasses of apple juice and four glasses of water.

Movement in the intestines begins to take place thanks to the pectin that is in apples. This substance destroys toxins and promotes their excretion.

One can go on this cure any weekend as a start on a cleansing diet. However, one will have to  do it for 72 hours.

Here are the steps:

  • Eat all the apples you want. They should be  raw and with nothing added.
  • Eat a  tablespoon of olive oil  when you get up and when you go to bed.
  • Drink  at least 2.8 liters of water  during the day.
  • Do not eat anything else  during the three days. Once you are done on the cure, you can start adding light foods to your diet again. It is also best if they contain a good amount of fiber. This involves soups, raw fruits and vegetables, etc.
  • Do not forget to drink a lot of water every day!

Since this is such a powerful a treatment, one  should only do it three or four times a year.  This means every three to four months.

How to clean your colon naturally with salt


This is another of the treatments that one can use to cleanse one’s intestines. One should know that this is a treatment that is  not recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure.  It is also not a good idea if you suffer from kidney problems.

This cleansing takes place over a period of one day. During the day  , one should stay at home and not overwork or make sudden movements.

How to cleanse your colon naturally with salt:

  • When you get up,  boil a cup of water and add a tablespoon of sea salt.  Let it cool so you do not burn yourself. Drink it slowly.
  • If you get a headache or feel nauseous, then it is common.
  • If you need it, lie down and massage your stomach gently.

Rest  for a few minutes or maybe even an hour on your couch or in bed. You can read or watch television until you feel like you need to go to the bathroom. Repeat this process several times during the day.

During the day you should eat only light foods:  Vegetable soup, natural juice and herbal tea. Do not eat fried foods, meat, flour or sugar.

Drink the mixture of saline again at noon and again in the evening. Try to stay home all weekend. Because you will need to go to the toilet often.

These two cleanses will help you keep your colon clean and healthy. Remember, however, that  it is always important to drink plenty of water and follow a diet rich in fiber.

Now you know how to cleanse your colon naturally, give it a try and feel the difference!

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