Five Hot And Cold Drinks To Relieve Sore Throat

Sore throat can be a symptom of a cold, and although it is very annoying, it is possible to relieve the discomfort with some natural remedies.
Five hot and cold drinks to relieve sore throats

Today we would like to share some home remedies to relieve sore throat. Discomfort in the throat can occur quite suddenly and cause pain. It is also tiring and can remove our desire to do something or to talk.

Sore throat is one of the most common symptoms of flu and certain other illnesses. Therefore, it is important to be aware of it and try to alleviate it to avoid major consequences.

There are various medications available to relieve sore throats. However, it is always a good idea to get advice from a doctor before self-medicating.

Fortunately, there are natural remedies you can always resort to at home. There are various hot drinks that help relieve sore throats and that you can make yourself. You can even drink them when you are healthy and well because they are delicious.

They are also good alternatives to sodas, “energy” drinks and other sugary drinks with zero benefits and empty calories.

The causes of sore throat

If you do not take care of your vocal cords when talking or singing, you may end up getting a sore throat. Therefore, always avoid shouting and forcing your voice in any way.

However, there are also some diseases that can cause sore throat. These include colds and flu. Additionally, if you are exposed to climate change or interact with infected people, you are likely to become infected.

Also read: 10 foods you should eat to relieve sore throat

The best hot and cold drinks to relieve sore throats

Sore throat can be very painful and bothersome

1. Water

In general, water is the best thing to drink, whether it is cold or hot. In addition, it helps relieve sore throat and the discomfort you feel. You need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to be well hydrated and thus healthy.

In order for it to become a habit for you to drink enough water, you must always have a full bottle with you. By always having access to water, you will feel the need to drink until it becomes a habit.

2. Natural fruit juice

Fruit can provide you with all the vitamins and minerals you need. In addition, they help you stay strong and well hydrated. This in turn will soothe your throat.

However, it is very important to make this juice yourself. This way you make sure that it is made with real fruits of good quality and without added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Fruits like pineapple, orange, lemon, lime and cranberry are good options to consider as they have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, they will help relieve sore throat.

Also read: 4 homemade juice recipes to try

3. Te

Tea is always a good choice because of its heat. Plus, it can also relax your neck muscles. Depending on the herbs, it can also relieve your discomfort.

For this purpose, sage is an excellent choice because it is a relaxing, anti-inflammatory herb that has everything you need to relieve sore throat.

4. Water with honey and lemon can relieve sore throat

Water with honey and lemon is one of the best remedies for sore throat

To relieve sore throat quickly and effectively, you need to drink this remedy. You will notice its healing effect right after you drink the first cup.


  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon 100% pure raw honey
  • 2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice


  • First, boil the water.
  • Then add honey and lemon juice and mix. Let it cool a bit.
  • Then drink it.
  • In addition to drinking it, you can also use it to gargle, for even better results. (Allow to cool before doing this.)

5. Chicken soup to relieve sore throat

Do not miss the most popular medicine in history: Chicken soup.

Eat a bowl of chicken and vegetable soup with a lot of onion, garlic, lime or lemon, ginger and you will see how your throat starts to get better.


You will notice improvements in your health and quality of life after consuming some or all of the above home remedies.

However, if your discomfort does not go away in a few days, it may be time to consult a doctor. This is because it may be something more serious than the flu or cold.

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