Five Homemade Beauty Products With Alum

Read here to get five interesting homemade products you can make with alum stone.
Five homemade beauty products with alum

The alum is a natural product that is found in many places in the world. You may have heard that they are used in some natural deodorants, but you can actually use them yourself in other homemade beauty products.

It is not only plants that can be used for natural, homemade products. Nature comes in many different forms and rocks are one of them. These five recipes are examples of homemade products you can make with alum.

What is alumina?

Alum is a type of stone that has a very special chemical structure with sulphate compounds that often contain aluminum.

You can find alum in many different forms, for example as a bar or in powdered form.

Alum has an almost transparent, white color, and has long been used both internally and externally. Many people believe alum has properties that make them perfect for homemade beauty products. But you can also use them for other things.

Therefore, the alum stone is worth using

Alumsten is a popular and versatile natural product. They are used in alternative recipes and many people love to use them at home.

Alum has antiperspirant properties. This is why you can use it to make a natural deodorant.

It can also be used to treat various skin problems, for example to cure blisters and acne. The crystal has astringent properties and can therefore speed up the healing process of small wounds.

Some artisans even use alum as a dye.

Five homemade beauty products with alum

Make your own deodorant with the alum stone

As mentioned, the alum stone has antiperspirant properties. This means that it can be used to prevent and eliminate the smell of sweat. Therefore, it can be used as a basic ingredient in your own homemade deodorant that is easy to make.

You also do not need to use it as often as a normal deodorant. Every other day is all it takes!


  • A bar of alum
  • 1 tsp. myrrh powder (5 g)
  • 100 ml of water

Course of action

  • Wet your alum bar.
  • Then add the ant powder and smear it on the body.

Also read: Make your own deodorant

2. Recipe for natural alum face mask for acne

Acne and other facial impurities can be prevented with alum. The stone may not treat bad skin problems, but it is worth a try if you just have a little bit of acne or impure skin.


  • 2 tbsp. powdered alum stone (30 g)
  • 3 egg whites

Course of action

  • Mix alum and egg whites in a bowl.
  • Let the mixture rest for an hour in the refrigerator.
  • Apply the mask on your face and let it sit for an hour.
  • Then rinse with cold water.

3. Homemade blister treatment

You’ve probably tried getting blisters in your mouth before. The small wounds are unpleasant but quite simple to treat.


  • 2 tbsp. alum powder (40 g)
  • 250 ml of water

Course of action

  • Dilute the alum powder in the water.
  • Stir thoroughly until the powder is dissolved and the water changes color.
  • Use the mixture as a mouthwash. Gargle thoroughly, and spit out.

Also read: Make a natural toothpaste and mouthwash from coconut oil

4. Give your drinking water a clean taste with the alum stone

Maybe you do not like how your drinking water tastes. Now you have a solution. You can use alum to give the water a clean taste.


  • 1/4 tsp. alum powder (1 g)
  • 1 liter of water

Course of action

  • Mix the powder in the water.
  • Stir the powder for at least one minute.
  • Wait until the water becomes clear and you do not see as many particles.
  • You can now drink the water.

Note : This technique is only recommended for drinking water that already comes from a safe source, such as your faucet. The alum stone cannot purify water that is dirty.

5. Treat your stretch marks with aluminous crystals

Alum comes in many forms. Crystals are one of them. They look like small granite fragments and consist of small pieces of alum stone.

You can use them to treat stretch marks.


  • Soap
  • 1 tbsp. alum crystals (15 g)
  • Moisturizer as needed

Course of action

  • Take a bath and wash your skin with soap where you suffer from stretch marks.
  • Then rub the area with the crystals and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Remove the crystals with soap.
  • After the bath, lubricate the skin with moisturizer to prevent irritation.

Alum is a natural product that has many benefits. Like many other stones, it is beneficial for your body. It is a fun little ingredient you can use in your natural beauty routine. But always remember to ask your doctor for advice if, for example, you have acne or blisters that will not go away.

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