9 Tricks To Wash Your Hair Less

It is annoying to have greasy hair. Therefore, you may wash it often, but it is not always a good idea. When you wash hair often, it gets dirty again faster.
9 tricks to wash your hair less

Nothing looks duller than greasy hair. It is not nice to go out among other people when your hair looks like something that is a lie. Maybe you wash it too often too. But you do not have to wash your hair as often as you might think. Here are some tips on how to wash your hair less.

Tricks to wash your hair less

It is not healthy for the hair to be washed every day. It removes the natural oils, dries out the scalp and causes your skin to produce more oil, making the hair oily faster again.

1. Wash your hair with boiled or filtered water

Woman washing her hair

One of the first things you can do to wash your hair less is to rinse it with boiled or filtered water at a temperature of 38 degrees.

2. Do not use hair products too often

Popular hair products such as keratin, dry shampoo, hair spray and gel can quickly make your hair dirty.

If you want to wash your hair less often, try to cut down on consumption so that you only use them once or twice a week.

Brush your hair less and use a comb

Person using a comb

You will not get nicer or more shiny hair from brushing it several times a day. The more you touch your hair, the faster it gets dirty. It pulls the oils out into the hair and can make it look greasy faster.

Therefore, only brush your hair two or three times a day, preferably with a comb instead of a brush. It will give fewer broken hair and split ends and it will make your hair look healthier.

4. Use mousse

If you think your hair needs products to look nice, try replacing the gel or hair spray with mousse. It does not build up quite as much in your hair, and does not look so dirty.

5. Use a sulfate-free shampoo

Person using shampoo

Sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS, is a non-toxic substance in shampoos that can cause dry scalp and increase oil production in some people. If this applies to you, choose a shampoo that does not contain these kinds of ingredients. Also use hair masks and oils to strengthen your hair.

You can also make your own exfoliating shampoo or hair mask at home with various natural ingredients.

6. Turn down the heat

If you use a hair dryer, straightener or curling iron often, you expose your hair to a lot of stress that can make it look dirty faster. Try lowering the temperature of your hair dryer or straightener to 150-180 degrees.

7. Give your scalp an exfoliation

Woman with long curly hair - wash it hair less

Peels can help the scalp get rid of dead skin cells, remove impurities and strengthen the hair follicles so that the hair can grow stronger and healthier.

8. Change the pillowcase frequently

Your hair will get greasy faster if you use the same pillow case for a long time.

Your pillow case absorbs oils and hair products. Therefore, the pillowcase is covered with bacteria and impurities, which you then rub into the hair again when you lay your head on the pillow. Therefore, it is crucial that you change your pillowcase at least once a week.

9. Protect your hair from sun and cold

Women who lie with their hair spread out - wash your hair less

Finally, it is necessary to protect your hair in winter and summer when the temperature is high or low. Cold and heat stimulate the production of oil in your scalp and give oily roots.

You can protect your hair by wearing a hat or hat. It makes your hair healthier and more shiny.

Try these 9 tricks to wash your hair less often and see how it goes!

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